i'm hungry. bahahaha. So, today in health we picked our topics for our project, and i picked skin cancer w/ michelle..cuz i dunno--she wanted to know more about tanning cuz she does it, so i just went along with it. if we both do the same thing it'll be like 39047809384x easier. haha. And i was talking to mrs. meck and cameron came over and was talking to her and he said he wanted to do it on either anal/vaginal cancer. personally, i thought this was hilarious, and i thought i would share it with everyone! LAA DEE DAA, school blows--i wanna skip tomorrow soooo bad, but i didnt go yesterday. I should have went yesterday and just skipped tomorrow. geez, i'm so dumb. OO well. Tomorrow=dan's play! ha, i don't think anyone is coming with me!! bahaha--but it's all good. Although, I could use some company, if you would like to come just call me/im me/talk to me in person! ANYYWWAAAYYY...i'm gonna go eat, byee!
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we're goin skin cancer in health atm - its hell boring =S but we on holidays atm so sall gewd =) hav a gd day
-love ali x0x0x