english paper.

Tammy Notz Period 5 Dear freshman, Throughout high school I have learned so much. I tried to write all the advice I had and only fit it on one page, but I ended up filling four, and I thought that would bore you. So, here are the basics. High school is wonderful. It may seem like four long years that are never going to end. You might dread going everyday, and you might hate homework, but it’s the best four years anyone could ever experience. You don’t realize it now, but it’s going to be over before you know it. So my first word of advice, take your time growing up. Don’t rush it, because if you want to be like an adult, you have to act like an adult, and with that comes responsibility, a lot of it. Besides, you’re too young, enjoy your youth! It’s the best time of your life! But, don’t act too childish. Do your homework, study for tests, and get good grades. It will pay off in the end. Respect your parents and your teachers. Your parents love you and only want the best for you. Your teachers are there to teach and to help you learn, don’t treat them less than they are. Teachers are wonderful, they devote their lives to helping the youth of America grow and prosper. They only want to see you do well, so don’t get mad when they’re on your back about certain things, chances are they just want to help. Don’t just respect your parents and teachers respect yourself. Don’t live up to any else’s expectations except for your own. It’s ok to say no, and it’s ok not to be perfect. No one is perfect, so don’t ever feel pressured to be perfect, because you will never achieve it, and that’s ok! And, don’t ever expect anyone else to be perfect, it just won’t happen. Also, remember that everyone makes mistakes and no one can go back and change them. Don’t dwell on your mistakes because that won’t fix them. Life is too short and time is too precious to spend feeling bad. Remember, you only have four years here and it will go fast. Play a sport or join a club, make new friends. You may think that your friends are the only “cool” people in school, but you’d be surprised. Love your friends, do nice things for them, and they will do nice things in return. STICK WITH YOUR VALUES AND BELIEFS! Don’t ever let anyone tell you what to believe in or what to do. Don’t smoke, it’s not attractive, and it’s really bad for you. Don’t rush into sex, and stay away from drinking. Make the right choices for you. Don’t let anyone else do it for you. With that, don’t try to control others either. Date and have fun, but don’t let boyfriends or girlfriends consume your life. They are great and everything, but it’s just high school, and no relationship here is guaranteed for a lifetime. Don’t treat anyone like they are less than you are. Not having cool clothes or the newest hairstyle doesn’t make you any less of a person. Enjoy this time, it may seem like it’s going to last forever, but it won’t. It will end sooner then you think. Love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love your enemies, and love your life. This is it. This is all you have, love it and cherish it while you have it. You can’t go back, and don’t try to rush forward. Take your time, enjoy it, and make it a time in your life that you will never forget. “Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives. The only thing that matters is just following your heart, and eventually you’ll finally get it right.” –Anonymous. “Experience is the worst, and somehow best, teacher. It gives you the test before presenting the lesson.” –Anonymous.
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