helllooo...right now i'm at melissa's so i'll have to make this short... hmm yesterday was my mom's birthday/allie's communion so we had a lil party at my house for the 2 of them. it was fun, and then around 4ish melissa and alicia came and got me and we went to missy's and moved some mulch for $20. actually, ross and ryan showed up and pretty much did it, and we got paid anyway. bahahaha. then we went to the car show...YES!! haha, *CAR SHOWW!!!!* *FLASHHEERRSSS!!!* ahahahhaa, how funny..we got some funny pictures with some awesome cars, which i will put on here sometime in the near future. cuz they just rock. then we all went to ashley's pizza, and then to missy's. we just laid around at missy's and watched tv and such. then today we woke up and went to taco bell. (just melissa and I) and now we're pretty much doing nothing. ha, i guess i made that kinda long...i'm gonna go!! BYE!!
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carrr shoooww...yeeeahh...wooo!! haha, wonderful times.