hmmm. too much...

Feeling: mellow
This web diary is an awsome idea! today I got up 20 minutes before school started and my dad was all over me like a fly on shit. he took my bike out of the shed and followed me to school... what a fucker he is sometimes. At school, i glanced over to this hot girlie in social and she smiled back! HAppy. hmmm my sorta X just signed on msn.... should i talk to her? she has a boyfriend now but i still want her..What could i say? yeah Ill tell her about this site, thatll make somtings easier, she can read exactly what i have to say without me having to say it! Eh too late, she signed out. guess she doesnt want to talk to me, but i dont blame her, its my problem now. Im a coward, this web diary is an awesome idea! Im gonna get some pics of myself and cool stuff and fix this discracefully empty page to the brim!
Read 7 comments
well welcome to sit diary...have fun, but dont hurt urself...jk.
It's hard to explain so I won't explain why I chose it. It's just a lyric from a song that meant/means something to me
very amusing metifores. or u could say like a hick over their sister.hehe...bad joke-
Q-what did the hick say when she lost her virginity?
A-dad, get off, your crushing my cigerettes!
ya...that was distasteful. but i am alowed to make fun of them....i live in GA.
Welcome to sitD, I like your diary, you seem really awesome, so ya. I hope you get the girl you wanted.

want me to fcuk you up!?!?!?!
sorry when i saw your name it made me laugh, i love youm can we have sex:)?
yo dood, er im with you, im a coward..its hard for me to talk to people about shit.
i really like your layout, it's a great change from all the red and black most people have. welcome!!

oh, adn thanks for the comment, it made me giggle. to answer your question, i lie to myself about being happy. then bad family situations shatter my little protective bubble. meh