destruction feeds our creation

Listening to: GOB[ForTheMoment]
Feeling: enraged
We are all such heuge pawns in this world. we are fed ideals through the media. Id almost go as far as to say brainwashed. Notice how they continually replayed the 9/11 plane crash over and over for hours after it happened? thats how you break sombodys barriers down and make them more accepting and less anylising. then you see good 'ol George Doubleyuh telling you that it was a terrorist attact from osama. He already had plans to invade iraq and seen this tradegdy as a way to get the popular opinion for his upcomming re-election. without 9/11, nobody would have agreed with the invasion. what did it do to fight terrorism? WMD? dont think so. spread hate of americans? INDEED YES YES!! Fanatical Hatred for the US and therefore the rest of us western countries is even played down. do people realize what is happening!?!?!?! LIKE LOOK! THERE IS NO STOPPING TERRORISM WITH WAR, WAR BREEDS TERROR, YOU KILL EVERY TERRORIST ON EARTH, MORE WILL SEE THAT AND HEAR THE CALL TO ARMS OF THE DECEASED ROLE MODELS!!!! WW3 Will be our generation, dont you see? and theres nothing we can now do because we have be stripped of our reasoning and are bathed in this media frenzy. we have no voice cause we have no will. we are dead people. You may die you will also encounter a barrier in your thought process wich the CIA refer to as a slide, look it up, the CIA has alot of knolege in these fields, for they use the same methods because they are more effective then bullets at controling people. If you BREED people to think how you want them to think, you dont even need to force them to do what you want1! its like breeding willing slaves wow. Too late to try adn salvage because people are born shackled to norms, things that arent normal CANT be true, can they? normal is nothing, realize that its a way to control. the need to be normal drives people to be like whatever there shown as normal talk of war brings people to think of war more. the more we talk about war the more it embeds in our very BEINGS. you are free yes, but the morals you hold are based on ideals placed into you to dumb you. TV, Movies, so much of everything contributes to this state now. the failure of the new world THE FAILURE OF THE NEW WORLD
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So true. What is our world coming to?