Your Perfect Type of Guy!

Feeling: zealous
YOUR PERFECT TYPE OF GUY. [x] Hair color: Dark Brown to Black. MUST BE DARK [x] Eye color: Green, or light Blue! [x] Height: Well he must be taller then i would say 5'7? 5'8? [x] Six pack: Hell ya!!!! Need that wash board!! lol [x] Long or short hair: Most definatly short hair!! like short but not too too short with the spikes goin on! thats hot! long hair is SICK! [x] Glasses: No way!!1 i'm not a big fan of the 4 eyes on guys. [x] Piercing's: Most definalty a YES!! like the nipples....le brea, and Tounge!!!! Oh yeah baby! And i love tottoo's on guys for sure! [x] lovable: Of course! [x] Eyebrows: NO UNIBROWS!!!! YUK they gotta be nice.....not too bushy! [x] Big butt or little: Not big and not little, it has to be like a "Paul" Ass!! now thats beautiful! [x] Chest Hair?: No way on the chest hair thats NASTY total turn off! [x] shaved legs?: Ummm not unless i'm gay....and i'm the dominant one in the relatinship! [x] Buff or skinny: Definatly BUFF!!! who wants a skinng fuck? lol Meat Head all the way! [x] Straight teeth, gap, or braces: Nice and sparkling straight and white!! [x] Funny or serious: Both...but they have to be at the right time funny, and serious otherwise its annoying! [x] Party or stay at home: i would say both, but a little more of the party....but i would like to stay at home and cuddle time to time too! [x] What kind of music does he listen to?: I would say hopefully stuff that i listen to cuz we would just get along much better that way. [x] Should he cook or bake: Damn rights!!! he will cook, bake, and CLEAN! lol j/ no i'm not! [x] Should he have a best friend: Yeah why the hell not? [x] Should he have a lot of friends that're girls?: I dont see why not cuz i have alot of friends that are guys! Plus we should be able to trust one another! [x] Should he be close to his family?: I think that would be a good thing. [x] Sarcastic or sincere: I would say both, but a little more sincere then sarcastic, cuz that also gets quite annoying! [x] Should he love his mother?: Most definatly!! the more he loves his mother the more he will love and respect you! [x] Should he watch chick flicks?: Yes there not all that bad!! plus i would watch stuff he wanted to see anyways. So its gotta work both ways! [x] Would he be a smoker?: That wouldnt really matter to me because i smoke....but if i had a choice i would say i can motivate myself to quit! [x] Would he drink?: Damn rights he would drink! And he would have to keep up with me!! Plus you have the best sex when your dunk! [x] Would he swear?: I would prefer if he didnt....but everyone dose. [x] Would he play with your hair?: Oh yes!!! i love that feeling it puts me to sleep! [x] Would he pay for dates?: I would hope so!1 but i would return the favor back too by taking him out once in a while. [x] Does he kiss on the first date?: Hell ya he dose!!! how else are you gonna know if your wasting your time or not!? [x] Does he like to snuggle?: Yes, but not overly. [x] Where would you go to dinner?: Somewhere with good alcohol, expensive, and romantic! and somewhere i've never been before. [x] Would he bring you flowers?: I would most definatly hope so! i love recieveing flowers, it makes me feel loved, and cared for. [x] Would he lay under the stars with you?: Oh yeah!!! we would do more then just lay there thats for sure!!! ;-) [x] Would he write poetry about you?: Ummmm maybe once in a blue moon....but i'm not a sucker for poetry. [x] Would he call you hunny, sweetie, or baby?: I suppose but not exessivley [x] Would he call you alot?: Yes and no sometimes you just wanna be left alone, and if he keeps on callin you then you get mad, and start a fight! [x] Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends?: F@%$*! rights he would!! x] Would you hang out with him and HiS friends?: Yeah as long as they are hot like him! lol. [x] Will he walk you to the door at the end?: Uh huh!! and give me a LONG passionate kiss! [x] holding hands?:Sometimes at the right moments [x] Soccer: Oh hell ya!!! thats my favorit sport! [x] Baseball: No way jose!!! [x] Basketball: ugh i guess. [x] Football: Ya football is kool. [x] Surf: that would be kool too! [x] Skateboard: Oh yes! skaters are sexy and i dated one for three and a half years! [x] Snowboard: OMG yes!!! i love snowboarding and snowboarders!!! they are damn hot too! [x] Sing: I owuld say no to this one, i think thats a bit nerdy and dosen't do a thing for me. [x] Plays piano: Another no, cuz its nerdy and only queers play the piano! Unless your a girl of course! [x] Plays guitar: Ummmm yeah that would be kool too, my X used to play guitar! [x] Play drums: Sure why the hell not as long as its not in my house! [x] Clean his room: I would certainlly hope so!!! [x] What kind of car does he drive?: It would have to be expensive, fast with a ass kickin sterio! [x] How old is he?: I would have to say....anywhere from 21-28 [x] What would his name be?: JASON!! or Mike....or Camron [x] Nationality?: I would prefer....Italian, Greek, Portugues, or just a really hot white guy! lol
Read 4 comments
geez zaneta...u have high hopes...good luck with that =P
im obviously not sayin ur ugly lol..ur pretty damn hot to me...but its just so hard to find someone as EXACTLY what YOU want, especially since they have to want everything u have to i make sense??
Askin alot there...good luck! lol ;p
Yeah...that is never know what will happen or who you will end up with.