Quizzz I stole From Chelsea! MUAHAHAH

Feeling: hot
Well.....I am at work right now and awaiting some work....so therefor I have decided to attepmt and do this quiz that I have stolen from Chelasea. UNIQUE 1. Nervous Habits? Face turning red, and shaking leg... 2. Are you double jointed? I think I might be. 3. Can you roll your tongue? I sure can! 4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? I can only raise one....my dad can do it very well though! 5. Can you cross your eyes? Of course! I'm a lady so i have to be able to do that! 6. Tattoos? Not yet but hopefully soon!! 7. Piercings? Belly button, ears tounge....and i had my nose a LONG time ago. 8. Do you make your bed daily? Every second day. CLOTHES 10. Which shoe goes on first? I would have to say my right one. 11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? I think I have when I was drunk! lol 12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? $160.00 But then its all gone! 13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My necklace that my mother gave to me for my birthday....its a 'Z' and a pile of rings....as well as all my piercings! 14. Favorite piece of clothing? I have would have to say....a new shirt that I would wear to the bar! they are the greatest! FOOD 15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I twirl it! And SLURP IT UP MAN! 16. Have you ever eaten Spam? Ummm not that i can think of.....unless i was drunk and cant remember! 17. Favorite ice cream flavor? This cream kind that my mom bought a long time ago and CHOCOLATE, oh! and Raspberry! 18. How many cereals in your cabinet? prolly like 10 grose ones! 19. What's your favorite beverage? Normal bevy i owuld have to say Iced Tea or water, and alcoholic I would say CROWN ROYAL and coke ALL THE WAY! ....Right Sarah! 20. What's your favorite restaurant? Olive Graden or the Keg! 21. Do you cook? LOL ya right! GROOMING 22. How often do you brush your teeth? When I wake up and before i go to bed! 23. Hair drying method? Well it all depends....if i have a shower in the morning and have to go to work i blowdry it and then straighten it.....if i have a shower before i go to bed, then all i do is straighten it! 24. Have you ever colored/highlighted Of course I have!!! MANNERS 25. Do you swear? All the time, but in appropriate places, and times. 26. Do you ever spit? Only if i smoke, and i'm sick and all that nice grose stuff is stuck in my throat! WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE 27. Animal? Dog, or Tiger 28. Food? Ummm.....something Italian. 29. Month? April, and july. 30. Day? I dont mind wednesday's i would love them if i didnt have to work the next day!! Saturdays are always GREAT! 31. Cartoon? SIMPSONS!! 32. Shoe Brand? Ugh.....Roberto Vianni, Steve Madden, Guess, and Gucci. 33. Subject in school? Math, Fashion, and Biology. 34. Color? TEAL! TEAL! TEAL! Or Yellow and red and black, and pink! lol 35. Sport? SOCCER BABY! and Hockey.....i like watching football cuz all the guys have such nice asses!! 36. Tv show? The Contender, and CSI. 37. Thing to do in the spring? Get drunk, and ready for SUMMER! yeah yeah! 38. Thing to do in the summer? By far go to the beach to catch some rayz, and scope out da guys! ;-) 39. Thing to do in the fall? Go trick or treating!!! 40. Things to do in the winter? Wait for Christmas, and then for SPRING! lol IN AND AROUND 41. The CD player? The Killers CD 42. Person you talk most on the phone with? DUH!!! SARAH! And it used to be Mike....:-( 43. Ever taken a cab? Yuppers! only when you are tooo hammed to drive yourself! lol 44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? Oh yeah!!! And it dont help that my office is all mirrors!!! 45. What color is your bedroom? Red, and super light pink! 46. Do you use an alarm clock? I gotta! 47. Window seat or aisle? Window seat all the way! LALA LAND 48. What's your sleeping position? On my tummy! 49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? A sheet baby! a sheet! 50. Do you snore? No way jose! 51. Do you sleepwalk? LOL nope! 52. Do you talk in your sleep? I think I have before! 53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Ya MIKE!!!! lol 54. How about with the light on? Hell no! 55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? I rather fall asleep with something on i hate the silence!!! Well there you have it ladies and gentlmen!!! Hope you enjoy!!! Till next time Keep fit, and have FUN!!! Love ya'll! XoXoXo
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