Yet another gay survey!

Listening to: Gasoline
Feeling: angsty
have you ___________ this summer 2005? SURVEY 1.gone to a party? DUH! 2.laughed until your stomach hurt? Oh yeah!! many times! 3.laughed until you almost peed your pants? Yes that too!! 4.gone on a vacation? I took holidays, but just chilled and partied alot! 5.tanned? Damn rights! 6.went to a camp? Hells NO 7.swam? Sure did! 8.went to the movies? I actually went lastnight!! 9.gone shopping? ALL SUMMER LONG BABY! 10.Had a job? Yes sir! 11.gotten freakishly bored? Huh right now!! 12.have you gotten sun burned yet? Nopers! 13.Been to another state? Not yet....but Going to Vegas in Jan, and Greece after that. :-) 14.been to the the hospital with an injury? Nopers! 15.commited a crime/broken the law? Almost everyday! 16.gone on a road trip? Was supposed to!!! lol but then I wrote off my car!! :-( 17.had a g/f or b/f? many booty calls if that counts! no need for one man! the more the marrier! 18.dumped a g/f or b/f? not really "dumped" but stop seeing! 19.kissed someone? Oh yeah!!! lol a few! 20.been to a concert? hahahah Yeah the DOORS!! 21.Been in trouble with the cops/parents? Uh huh! 22.had a memorable moment? A few of those as well! it all depends what you count as memerable! lol 23.had a horrible moment(refer to ..21)? Oh yeah! lol 24.made new friends? lol firnds!! fuck friends is more like it! lol 25.missed a friend? No, not really lol 26.Slept under the stars? nope too many misquitos! Damn those buggers! 27.thought about school? more like contiplated.... 28.been to the beach(refer to ..4)? Nope I said I wouldnt till next year! 29.thought about a special someone? I suppose.... -- UNIQUE -- 1. Nervous Habits: Biting the inside of my lips....damp hands, and rosey cheeks! 2. are you double jointed: in a few places 3. Can you roll your tongue: yes 4. Can you raise one eyebrow: yes I can! 5. Can you blow spit bubbles: Sometimes! 6. Can you cross your eyes: lol yeah! 7. Tattoos: not yet but will have some soon! 8. Piercings: I have my ears, belly button, and tounge...did have nose. -- CLOTHES -- 9. Which shoe goes on first: whatever one is the closest 10. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: yes sir! 11. On the average, how much money do you carry: before or after payday? lol after payday I gots da cash...before payday got dick all! 12. What jewelry do you wear: always rings....sometimes earings...and most of the time my 'Z' necklace 13. Favorite piece of clothing: A nice top :-) -- FOOD -- 14. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: do both 15. Have you ever eaten Spam: hahahah yeah! 16. Favorite Ice Cream flavor: ummm resses pieces! 17. How many cereals in your cabinet: a whole bunch that no one likes! 18. What's your favorite beverage: H2O, and Nestle Ice tea! 20. What's your favorite restaurant: Ummm so far Christina's on Corydon. Great geek place. 21. Do you cook: Do I WHAT??? HELL NO! -- GROOMING -- 22. How often do you brush your teeth: twice a day unless they feel really grose inbetween. 23. Hair drying method: I like to let it dry on its own...but if ina rush i have to resort to the blowdryer! Boooooo 24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: Yes, many times!! -- MANNERS -- 25. Do you swear?: Of course I do! 26. Do you ever spit?: ummm only when i'm sick. -- FAVORITE -- 27. Animal: Monkey/Tiger/Dog 28. Food: pasta's, love grilled chicken, and smokies!!! YUM! aspecially when you are hammered! 29. Month: I would Say April, cuz thats when my b-day is! 30. Day: Fridays baby! 31. Cartoon: Simpsons and Family guy where's #32? 33. Subject in school: Math, and Bio Oh and Fashion Tech! 34. Color: Teal and red 35. TV show: My so called life! 36. Thing to do in the spring?: splash through puddles! and get ready fo summa!! 37. Thing to do in the summer?: PARTY!!!! 38. Thing to do in the fall?: more partyin'!!! halloween man!! 39. Thing to do in the winter?: snowboarding!! -- IN AND AROUND -- 40. In the CD player: The Killers / Tu pac 41. Person you talk most on the phone with: Sarah, and this guy that I not going to mention lol. 42. Window or aisle: Window!! 43. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: ALL THE TIME! 44. What color is your bedroom: Red, black, white, and really light pink....almost white. -- LA LA LAND -- 45. What's your sleeping position: Oh my tummy. 46: Do you use a blanket: Always 47. Do you snore: Not that I'm awear of! 48. Do you sleepwalk: hahah nope 49. Do you talk in your sleep: sometimes....maybe when I am drunk? 50. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nah ah! 51. How about with the lights: Fuck that! 52. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Sure do! mostly radio 53. Last interesting person you met: hahahahahahahahahaha quite a few people you should say! YES or NO: x. YOU KEEP A DIARY: Yes x. YOU LIKE TO COOK: no x.YOU HAVE A SECRET YOU HAVE NOT SHARED WITH ANYONE: Yup x.YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE: yes.... --DO YOU...?-- HAVE A CRUSH: I might! WANT TO GET MARRIED: F NO! GET MOTION SICKNESS: Nope THINK YOURE A HEALTH FREAK: might have been! GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: Sometimes LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: Love em! --CURRENT-- HAIR COLOR: Ummm black, dark brown, red, blonde....(bright red that is) EYE COLOR: green / brown....sometimes more one color then the other. BIRTHPLACE: Europe PREFERENCES: CUDDLE OR MAKE OUT: Depends what mood I'm in. CHOCOLATE MILK, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Chocolate Milk MILK, DARK OR WHITE CHOCOLATE: Milk chocolate all the way! VANILLA OR chocolate: chocolate --IN THE LAST 24 HRS, HAVE YOU...-- CRIED?: no HELPED SOMEONE?: Sure have! BOUGHT SOMETHING?: Nope! GOTTEN SICK?: Nope GONE TO THE MOVIES?: Yes GONE OUT FOR DINNER?: Yes SAID "I LOVE YOU"?: Nope! WRITTEN A REAL LETTER: nope TALKED TO AN EX?: Hell no! MISSED AN EX?: nope WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL?: no HAD A SERIOUS TALK?: somewhat MISSED SOMEONE?: yes HUGGED SOMEONE?: yes FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARENTS?: no FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND?: no Well there you go folks yet another GAY survey!!! thats what I do when I have nothing else to do!! Hope you enjoy!!! LaTa!
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