Listening to: Question
Feeling: tormented
What a wonderful night it was lastnight!! Yes I went to the club like every Wednesday. So it was SUPER busy lastnight, and all the people that we knew, and seen.....well there is a story behind all of I guess you can say that all the guys that I seen at the bar that I knew, I did something with them before! God thats horrible!! Oh well....the way I see it is you only live once so you might as well do whatever you can and want to do before you die! lol Sarah, and I seen that guy James I believe his name was that I went home with 2 Wednesdays ago....and I was hiding from him lol. And then we ran into Kyle, and thats his friend that Sarah was busy with lol, and he called James on his cell IN THE BAR, to tell him that I was there....but luckiley I seen him, and he never saw me! lol Feeeeeeeeeeew! So that was good, and the we ran into Dash, and Boston! (which we had an adventure with after and during the bar lol Boston is SOOOO F-in funny!! lol He's our new best friend. We started a new traddition with him....everytime after the bar we get stupiedly high, and talk for hours about it was a good night yestureday....I just wish that I was intoxicated more. Oh and to top things off for the night....Will got arressted!!!!! and we had to go get him from prison! I told Sarah that if I had to talk to a cop, or even see one that I was not goin there cuz I was driving under the influance for one....(Marijuana not liquer) And I have no liecence at the's invalid....I got away with it before, but I just had a BAD gutt feeling....So thankfully he was waiting by City Hall....So after we picked his ass up..(it's already like 3am and I gotta go to work lol) we go to the place where he left his car, meet up with Mark, get high some more.....and then Sarah and I leave for home....only to find that BOSTON is waiting there....So we chilled with Boston some more, and then I left and went to bed. FIN... And thats, that! See ya'll later! XoXoXoXoX
Read 5 comments
hey...i was retarded on tuesday and i thought it was wednesday...i didnt kno if you guys were there yesterday cuz my computer wouldnt turn on...i told yah boston was funny from the beginning lol...newho i just figured id tell u i was retarded on tuesday...and i do intend to call sarah soon...and ive just been through hell and back with my car...ive been taking the bus...yes the work for the last few does it suck!!
sounds like u had a crazy night! fun times.
thanks for sayin u like muh poem im gunna add more l8ter

Sk8te Til Ya Die
sounds like fun. I have been kinda busy lately so I have been unable to talk to anyone. how are things going for ya?
can't wait to hear about it later babe