So I was born in a Cabbage Patch

Listening to: Juno Soundtrack
Feeling: euphoric
It’s been a really hard couple of days. It seems like everyone is aiming their bitch fits at me for really petty reasons. It’s just been so frustrating. I’m really trying though to just let it all roll of my back. I’m trying to learn to just let it all go. I say I’m succeeding about 50% of the time. At least school isn’t going horrible. Although I have been getting into the nasty habit of skipping classes. In other positive news James finally paid for my gas, so that is pretty bitchen. I went to see Juno today with Dan. It was amazing, sweet, and depressing as hell. Having gone through a few pregnancies scares myself it hit a little close to home. I just loved Juno the girl, she is just so like me. I can finally see now why everyone keeps comparing her to me. It made me really happy and really sad at the same time. I mean I love the movie so much and I’m so happy for the characters. Moving on! Last night was so much fun. I pretty much spent the whole day at Bobby’s house. Seriously as soon as I got done with school I went right to his house and we watched movie after movie. First it was surfs up which is something I had to introduce both of them to. Then we dicked around outside for a bit. Next it was the third lord of the rings. I never went to see it when it came out so it was an experience to say the least. I really loved parts of it but the six endings rotted my teeth with oozy sweetness. Then it was dinner and the Incredibles and I loved that movie. Edna is seriously my new favorite anything, Darrrrling! If I could I would talk in her voice forever. Then it was on to drinking which was pretty fun to. I was good though only one shot since I had to drive and all. So I guess that’s where I am at right now. Everything is overall pretty good despite all the silly conflicts.
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Learning to let things go is probably the best you really can do when your stuck in situations like that. Just let it all blow over, I've always hated shit like that myself.. But everything will always turn out in the end, whichever way it's meant to happen.. But as long as you find a few to confide in to talk about those issues, then you'll truely know how to let go... Otherwise you'll bottle up your emotions.. Which isn't good either.
I know how it is to actually have someone like that as well.. And let it all just go away. Well in a way I actually still deal with it a little to this day.. But you can't regret what you've done in the past because everything happens for a reason... And there is obviously a reason you two weren't meant to be.. Just let it go, and if it happens to come back... Then you'll know.. (just like the song goes lol)..
I admire reading your stories... So just keep your head up, walk proud, and never give up! :-)