This isn't just Goodbye, this is I can't stand you.

Listening to: bayside
Feeling: accomplished
Another busy couple of days have gone by, and life shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Thursday I hung out with Cait, drank a lot of coffee, got my hair cut far shorter then I would’ve liked, went to the mall, got a second ear piercing, met up with Brandon, walked in awkward silence, broke up with Brandon, lost my car temporarily, and was so hyper I couldn’t fall asleep until three in the morning. Friday I woke up early, tired and failed to wakeup, drove with Cait to King of Prussia Mall, got really lost, had a mildly fun time traipsing through the small city/mall, got lost again going home, stuck in traffic, lost, stuck in traffic, super irritated, tried and failed not to fall asleep at work. Saturday I got up exhausted, went to Bikeline, sold two bikes, built two bikes, ate a burrito, went home, fell asleep, went to other job, fell asleep, ate weird rice, went to carnival. And now I’m finally going to get some sleep!
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