[14]goin good now

Feeling: hopeful
hey all! jbo in the hizzie!!! with a Q! ok, sorry. im hyper. anywho, yeah, this weekend was da qazbot. i went to sarah's party, and it was off the qizzle. the guests inqluded riley, caleb, sammy, and, of course, sarah. and me. it was so much fun, me n sam had a pillowfight, and we had PIZZA!! oh yeah beeotch. then, on sunday, funkyberry, XrexX, and i went to go c a moovy. National Treasure, it was soo long, but it was good. man, im so hyper, my heds gonna qexplode. anywayz i need to do homework, my algebra teacher sent an email to my mom to say i wasnt doing my hw. im madd for real. oh well, ill get ova it. until nextime, keep din0Qore. -jbo, jason, BraQ, hey kid.
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hey =) cool diary
sounds like fun.
no way ur teachers email ur parents. that juss sucks ass!