[78]what a game

Listening to: bright eyes
Feeling: frustrated
another day at home. it seems like all i do is dote upon my lonelyness. it is really beginning to bother me. so i drown my misery. in food. i. am. a. glutton. and i hate myself for it. every quiet moment turns into misery. so i fill up every moment) every orifice in my body with food. i gourge myself and i cant stop. all i do is eat. and eat. and eat. and ea and e and an a . i need somebody.
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Oh jason, how I wish I could fill your void. But I'm am too meek: a selfish creature and much too insecure. I'm sure someone much better than I is waiting for you. Somewhere. And you will find her. Her velvety lips will bring life to your sorrowful head. Her smooth hands will embrace your every inch and erase your every fear. You will no longer need nor hurt.

She is waiting. Just below the glass.

All you need is a way to crack it.
i know how you feel.
i need somebody too....

yeah? well it's not as cool as alexis f. zaragoza. & i know how you feel. today i can not stop thinking that i need to to stop eating. but, i keep eating. because i am the champ & rule at life. most of the time.
