
Listening to: bright eyes
Feeling: alienated
my whole world has failed)buckled)crashed, and the shockwaves still resonate through my fingertips and eyelids. ive asked myself this question a thousand times, and i gather that i will ask it a thousand more. instruments of torture bring)brought me my greatest happiness along with my greatest blunders. i know now that this doesnt really matter, and i know this will sound cliché, but i have come to terms with my feelings, and have decided to do something. to stand up. to not remain quiet in the shadows while my selfesteem is trampled underfoot. frankly, im tired of being someones bitch. i have discovered yet another beautiful band.
bright eyes
conor oberst is a genius. music is my only mistress now. haligh, haligh
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Oh darling. I've hurt you yet again and I have no idea how. I'm so sorry. You can erase me from your life it so pleases you. I would understand.
You're not serious? Again? That's it, I'm kidnapping you. I'm gonna pull you out of class or something, punch someone in the face for the heck of it, throw you in my hawt get-away car, and lock you in my closet. I promise I'll feed you. Anything you want. Sound good? Ok! I love you Jason. Feel better. Oh and I'm def. calling you after school. Or kidnapping you. One of the two.