[90]its been awhile

have you ever realized it takes a while to realize stuff? no? wait. youll see it. like how the work day goes by quicker and isnt that hard anymore. or how i have come to realize that stuff usually doesnt go my way. but anyway, enough with small talk. i am lonely. much lonlier than before. but im too tired to care. i feel like every single person i care for is slipping through my fingers and my work is consuming me. i really miss the old days. when i had someth1ing to look foward to when i woke up.
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I completely understand what you're going through. I know you feel like eveyrthing is changing, and it is, but maybe not for the worst. I love you Jason, and I'm sorry to tell you that you're not getting rid of me any time soon. You're stuck with me. Cheers. In regards to my last entry...don't worry. I've just not been myself lately and I can't figure out, no matter how hard I try. I'm sure i'll be fine, though. Have fun this weekend. Love, Cera
Haha. Thanks Jason, that made me smile. But the thing is, Friendly's hasn't said a word. I don't know if I have a job or not. I'm just too timid to call them and ask, so I don't know what to do. Ugh. This sucks. I feel like I'm about to breakdown. Everything's going wrong, not just the job thing. I can't even explain why I feel so bad lately and I have no one to vent to. Maybe I'll explode someday. If I'm lucky.
Jason, when you see this, could you please call me? I need to talk to someone who knows me. Knows my story. And you're the only one. Thanks. -Cera