[75]steady, gentle

Listening to: wow, owls!
Feeling: cold
not in the physical, but in the mental. i like it here. its rainy, cool, steady and gentle. until i return home. i love to get lost as the rain covers me in a benign blanket of love. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /thats the thing about rain. it is indifferent. it doenst care where it lands. it just does. do you think raindrops have a whole other sub-society? the ones who land on important/famous people are the best, and the ones who land on the road are the worst? i dont know. i am in love. with music. i have said it before and i will say it again. i am in love with music. see? i am a man of my word. long. walks. to. no-where. me. gusta. a. lot. especially in the rain listening to my favorite songs about falling out of _____. i miss moody. i miss the way i felt there. i miss the energy and the fun and the controversy. i long for companionship. heh. what a funny thing to dote upon. but it is true. what can i say? i am lonely. i feel like a fly and there is a pane of bullet-proof glass separating me from finding someone. thats. life. or to quote one of the greatest comedians to ever brandish a microphone, daniel tosh, "dry those tears pussy, thats why dad left."
Read 3 comments
as i lay dying does not suck you suck they are one of the best hardcore bands ever i liked you to show me a band with an awesomer double bass peddle than as i lay dying and better vocals
arsis, rotting christ, cannibal corpse, opeth, even otep and lamb of god has better drummers i listen to most of those bands but there drummers will never be as good as as i lay dying. Lamb of Gods drummer is awesome on the cd but live he sucks
who cares if AILD sucks. this guy obviously likes them. C'mon now, get a clue and while your at it see if they've got a special on lives.

different people like different junk.

i like norma jean, hank williams sr, and vanilla ice. they're all different.

