
Feeling: blah
Ok, so my English teacher gave me an assignment on Tuesday - write paper on life, learning, and friendship, it can be no longer than one sheet of paper. That's it. Here's what I came up with:
Life. Learning. Friendship. It’s taken me a long time to realize how interdependent these three things are, and I know that I’m so far away from truly understanding the impact on me that they have. Each of these factors is nothing without the other two. If you live your whole life without learning or forming friendships, you really haven’t lived at all. To truly become someone’s friend you must learn from and listen to them, and there is no friendship if you don’t experience life with them. Life always seems to choose your best friends. It makes unbreakable, lasting bonds, sometimes with the last person you’d have chosen yourself. Life has pulled this trick on me in the past. One day I met someone in a class, someone I completely hated. Now, three years later they’re my best friend. Life has this silly way of bringing people to you, people it somehow knows you need. I hold friendship extremely high in my life, therefore friendship and life are both very important to me. My friends are my life; I have absolutely no idea what I’d do without them. Life is meaningless without learning. There’s more to life than simply living. To make the best of life, you have to take the best away from life. You have to absorb every little thing life throws your way. Don’t take anything it gives you for granted. You can’t be afraid to mess up, for the best way to learn is through your mistakes. You can’t let your mistakes get you down, you have to use them as a stepping stone and learn from them and let them make you stronger. You can’t let your life control you - you must control your life, or you’ll be helpless. Actress Angelina Jolie said it best, “The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon.” I could not agree with her more. Think I got it right?
Read 15 comments
that is perfectly beautiful. beauty is truth, and truth, beauty.
i love Brand New they kick some ass if i do say so myself, sic transit gloria is by far their best song
dude we have the samne taste in music its kinda crazy i was looking and all the stuff u listen to i do it! crazy huh
your welcome...
your paper...
is awesome

i had to write sumthin like that kinda...but just about friends and life...
almost the best thing ive ever wrote..

ahh im blabing...my bad

buh byes
<3 mel
if friendship is treasured, your only setting yourself up for a hard fall. There are no lasting bonds and there is no one you can count on to be there for you forever.
total bullshit
ah no sorry if that was misleading. thats just a project we are doing and we have to calculate expenses and such to see how much it would cost..and we each get 10,000 dollars( i guess in invisible monopoly money)to spend.

ive already been to europe though. but i really want to go to ireland..or the netherlands or maybe italy.

france isnt all that cool.
but england owns your face.
next time i go to europe you can ride in my luggage how does that sound or maybe i'll go all out and buy you a ticket..hmmm but im not that nice =)
that paper looks longer than one page..but that again i write really really big..i think.

once upon a time me and you got married and brand new played at our wedding.
Yea I went to Europe those times for a birthday present but I didn't like Paris last summer so my grandparents are going by themselves in may or something.

I hate summer.
It's torture.

Did it have to be 12pt arial too?
thank god for double spacing.
and my large handwriting which has saved me from all those full paged essays.

again sometime?? whatt...

okay so should we get divorce and do it again?
I want to go backpacking across europe too. completely spontaneous and unplanned. that would be so much fun. I think the reason I don't enjoy going to Europe so much is that every single second of every single day is planned out and we spend it in museums and touristy things. And i would much rather just chill and walk around and experience europe as if i lived there.
i want to go to the love parade in berlin germany =)
brand new is awesome.

Okay okay no divorce.
Too long of a process and we'd be missing out on all the brand new-ness.

Haha you got excited. It's fun just thinking about it. Just all the things you might do. I think it would be sort of fun to go with a small amount of money and see how far it might get you. It wouldnt be as exciting if you stayed in glamourous hotels everyday..it would be nice but i think it be a lot better to just randomly camp out or something
Might even sleep at a random persons house..but that could be dangerous.