5 ~ Robotics Rumble

Feeling: content
I. Love. Robotics. Those 3 words completely describe my feelings for the robotics programme at my school. Feb 17-19, CRC Robotics Competition Targeau Bonseye 2005 in John Rennie High School. Our robot did pretty well actually, coming in 16th at the beginning, with two of our sister schools (both new comers to CRC) beating us horribly, but we fixed our robot and ended up as 5th, only losing because of unfair teaming and some failed attempts in luck. (We beat both sister schools [thank god >.>, we would've been so embarrassed]). As for the rest of the competition, we basically failed in every other section except for coming in 5th for website and journal. We ended up getting 7th overall (out of 21 schools), which isn't too bad. Never in my life have I screamed and cheered so much (I lost my voice 5 times in one day >.>). Never in my life have I smelled and used so much spray paint. The feeling of just taking my team's robot out onto the playing field under the flashing lights, then going up to the stands and yelling my heart out to cheer for my team, it's just such a great feeling. Some cool things can happen while cheering.... like trying to drown out 50 girls/guys by using your own school's 15 guys, was fun trying, tho i didn't know if we got the job done =P. All those random "We love you Janny!" (our driver) always cracked me up. We also had a joint chant that did 2 things in one. Yelling "SHS" covered my school Selwyn House, and our partner for that round, Sacred Heart. Being part of pit crew rocked, and it was what I dreamed to be for a few years. Just being and working so close to the robot was heaven. I don't mind working for 19 hours straight after sleeping for 6 hours and only have 2 doughnuts and like 5 gatorades for lunch and dinner, it felt great. But there are just some things I can't stand: having idiots on your team and fakers. There's this guy, known as Alex H. who is just some fat nerd who played card all day, but when his dad showed up, he tried to look like he was part of the team by standing near the pit crew and trying to help. He just looks so... nerdy and hopeless. (I shouldn't talk, since I look like a nerd myself with a MD player wire going up my shirt and a Flash Mem Key hanging from my pants after helping with the 3D Render of the robot) Ah.... I just love robotics, and I can't wait till next when I join the Mariano team and play for my 4th year ^__________^
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oh man sounds great, except for when we had to be at school for 6:30AM...u liked that? oh man chris. and btw its SHSM for sacred heart school of montreal cuz we already took SHS hehe. sucks to be them eh? bet u didnt know that. and its ok cuz everyone knows that AM is a big nerd. the kid spends his free time learning calc before he's even in the class. but its ok cuz he's good at chess and that makes him cool >.> lol anywho gl next year
robots are love to me. i will become one. one day