13 ~ Quaint Quintessence

Feeling: empty
I finished watching the animated movie "Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho" (official known as "The Promised Place in Our Early Days" [wtf kind of title is this!?], unofficially known as "Beyond the Clouds" [the japanese title translates to "Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Place"). If you've read my entries enough.... yes, this is another romance movie =P. If you're not interested in anime or romance stories, skip this part. I'll skip the summary, cuz i don't feel like writing it =P (if you wanna read it, here it is: http://www.freetype.net/features/anime/kumo/). After watching it, this movie's impact was less than Voices of a Distant Star (if you wanna read about Hoshi no Koe, read my entry #2 [note: which is my first post]), not so well done and less emotion than HnK. But nonetheless, though it did not put me on the verge of crying, it did leave me with an empty feeling after watching it. I don't even know why I feel that way, I mean, it should seem like a happy ending, but it doesn't feel that way.... feels like, it's painful happiness that becomes sadness. Emotions sure are hard things to put into words >.> Something funny when watching this movie (no it has nothing to do with the actualy movie itself =p). I started watching this with my brother. Because I seemed really enthusiastic about watching it, my bro wanted to watch it too. So we sat down and starting watching. 5 minutes into the movie, we watch a part where the characters were talking "There were only two things on our minds back then, Sawatari Sayori and...." right then, my brother asks "Is this another one of those ga--", and I reply "yes" immediately. Then he gives the *sigh* look and tries to keep watching. For the next 10 minutes, he looks REALLY bored, and eventually tells me he doesn't want to watch it anymore. It's funny cuz even before he finished his sentence, I knew exactly what he was going to ask, cuz both of us know what kind of stuff I like to watch (shoujo romance!). Something else besides anime and romance... I went out with friends again yesterday! Went to Laser Quest, had hella fun, went in twice, played DDR like 10 times (fav arcade game =D=D, i might get a pad for home =p), but bye bye cash =( I used up like... $25 in the span of 3 hours >.< Before we went, I was talking to a friend called Hao. He said "I'm gonna kick your ass at DDR;" I believed him, because he goes to arcade and practices. But when i saw him play an hour later.... holymfingposmyg0t.... he's like, god at DDR. Absolutely crazy. I can't even follow the arrows with my eyes, yet he follows them almost perfectly with his feet. I must master the arts of DDR from him! XP And march break comes to an end.... and i've done maybe an accumulated amount of 1 hour of homework >.>. SO screwed.... And one last comment.... SHOUJO ROMANCE 4 LIFE!! ^.~;; (Hey, still 530 words... but I'm *trying* to keep my entries short =p)
Read 3 comments
thanx for the comment...but unless u knew the whole situation its kinda a joke about things getting screwed up but thanx for ur insight*
hey at least ur brother and i have something in common... ;)

man ive been to legends at the forum and seen some SERIOUS DDR amazing-ness ppl who come in like sweatsuits with like crowds of followers lol. they have their water bottle and are like completly amazing at this.
haha oh young chris. you take a year off while your young to travel abroad and meet people and see places that you cant always do when your older. have u never heard of backpacking accross europe and stuff. oh boy. one day we'll break thy shell. yeah archery is awesome lol but i dunno where to do it in montreal. that sucks.but im defiantly gonna find a place.