36 ~ General Goings

Feeling: uneasy
eh... many things have happened XP From the topic that has bothered me the most... YLZ =P We're talking quite infrequently, though I enjoy every single moment that we do ^^ I've noticed something, that didn't really happen with other people much, our conversations seem really natural.... like, I don't have to be scratching my brain clean in order to find something to talk about, they just come naturally... (or she's the one doing it and is much faster than me XP) maybe its just cuz she's social =P and yea, second thing is that all our conversations, if undisturbed by class or dinner or whatever, always last minimum an hour ^^ Well, now I think I really do like her... but... bleh =P Oh well, cuz of her, I might be working at MGH (Mtl General Hospital), but ofc, my mom is against this sort of thing (for very logical reasons that I agree with too, but still =P)... I wanna go cuz well, its the first time I've ever done this kind of thing (yes, chasing after girls and long-term volunteering work XP). Its also cuz I've never really committed myself to anything before... and it feels really bad to not have done that, plus I might be able to decide whether if I'll want to go in Med or stay in Engineering.... I'm still so confused about that XP Ofc, the naive me thought I'd be able to only work a little bit (because I've never done anything like this) but I was checking out the volunteering website, and I found out that there's this huge long registration process... and that working time is minimum 5 months, 2-3hours a week >.< The 2-3 hours/week isn't the problem... its the 5 months minimum -_-;;.... a) mom will never agree, b) do i have that much of a commitment? Cuz of this.... I was thinking of waiting till next year.... cuz then I would've graduated from chinese school, so then both days of my weekend would be freed up =D cuz if i do it now.... I'll lost my saturday morning/afternoons, and I still don't have my sundays, so I'll be stressed and doing late night cramming.... which is NOT good.... but.... UGH, I already told her that I'd be going to go work.... and i'm 99.99% sure that my mom won't let me do it if its minimum 5 months long... i'm beginning to doubt myself if I CAN do this for so long.... bleh, she's gonna be disappointed >.> (and i'm starting to repeat myself XP) So yea, I went to go watch the movie Rent, which is basically the Broadway Musical of the same name made into a movie... It was WIERD. Its a musical (which is always a plus for me, cuz I love vocals =D), but it was kinda long.... 2hr 15min... but they had this drag queen that was a really cool drummer... and *SPOILER* it was really depressing when he died =( *SPOILER* All in all, the whole second half of the movie was really deperessing.... but it was even more depressing afterwards because I tried to invite YLZ to come... but she said she was going to study, but never actually confirmed... so i was half-hoping that she'd somehow show up XP so ofc, she never did.... ionno if she was actually busy, or just "busy" -_-;; gyah... it sure sucks to not know how the other person thinks >.> ~3 days later....~ We never ended up going to the hospital.... we were supposed to meet in the student lounge at 2, but she came a bit early, dunno why... but we ended up playing a bit of ping pong with NX too (too bad i never got to play her =( i was playing someone else when she came... and we were doing double switches XP) we both asked each other a few times "so are we giong to the hospital today?" but we never actually gave each other a straight answer.... so I guess we were both confused. So she left to eat lunch, and found out later that she was in the piano room, so I went in there too... but there was a whole bunch of ppl, and I got too shy (as depicted by my character >.>) to ask her if we were going or not.... so I ended up staying for an hour and a half in that room, playing the guitar and piano VERY crappily (and being commented on my choice of music to play XP). So time was stalled until it was too late to go (because YLZ had class at 4...) >.> I actually ended school at 11.... so i basically wasted 5 hours for a lost cause >.> well... not COMPLETELY lost since I did get to talk to her ^^ hm... Every single day... I feel like talking to her, but I don't know if I'm going to be really annoying... cuz I know that feeling when some really annoying person talks to you every single day, but you dont want to tell him off >.> but then again... all our conversations are about an hour... with plenty of chances to sneak away... XP so ionno.... Anyways schools done, finals coming up soon.... bleh >.> Oh yea, I'm improving so much in ping pong ^^ I can finally backhand topspin-smash almost perfectly ^______^ but i still can't normal smash >.>
Read 3 comments
Hi, Thanks for the comment. I read your bio, and its like it describes me exactly!! thats a little weird. Well hopefully we could write to eachother ocassionally?
oh CW. young love. enjoy it while it lasts buddy! uve got to stop doubting urself. the worst thing that could happen is she says no! so what? i mean ur a smart lad, think of her as just another guy (just dont follow her to the bathroom) and just act normal and if she didnt like u, im sure u'd know by now. try smiling at her at times, drop some hints, use the shyness to ur advantage, go rent some sappy love comedy from hollywood & take notes!! gl
I'm OK. I got a Second at state(I had a Cold)and I got a first in a double trio.