47 ~ Sedentary Summer

so yea.... a bit more than a month into summer.... still slacking and doing absolutely nothing everyday =P only new things are that.... a) dragonboat started (w00tz!! ^^) b) started working at mtl gen. hospital.... 2 shifts/week (maybe 3....), about 3hrs/shift (w00tz....?) c) that's about it... (w00tz >.>) d) oh yea, went to go play tennis for about 4 hours straight few weeks ago with the royal west bunch (and actually won a doubles match even though its my 2nd time playing tennis in 5 years!) e) i'm playing a shizload of piano... learning Chopin's Revolutionary Etude and Liszt's La Campanella SOO EFFING BOREDDDD i AM gaming like... 5 hours a day tho >.> but its just not satisfying cause i'm playing by myself most of the time --;; dunno where anyone is... well.... really nothing much >.> oh yea, went to Quebec City to watch my bro's Kendo grading.... (he's a 1st Dan now ^^) maybe i'll start with ryan in september, but it'll cost $50 more than the fee my bro pays, since i'm not a mcgill student --;; but at least I save the money by not having to buy a shinai =P went to the Y yesterday through a guest pass (with ryan and rich) and worked out for 3 hours (O.o) and i am so effing sore >.< but it shows how out of shape i still am =( gotta start running more. After that, we went to Amusement 2000 for bout 2.5hrs, where we met up with haran and somehow ran into Ata and some asian girl that i somehow seem to see her a lot, prolly cuz she hangs out in the lounge too lol. OMG, i played Initial D Ver3.... and now i understand how ppl can be so addicted to it... so much fun =D i wanna go back and play, hehe worked my first shift at orthopedic clinic at mtl gen hospital today... apparently it was an unusually quiet day, so I'll be shadowing the old lady i'm replacing next week again too, to see how things REALLY are there. btw, I'm the one that calls out ppls' names and tells them where to go, also sorting out the patient charts and putting into the right slot for the right doctor.... who knows if i'll have fun, hehe there's something that's been on my mind recently.... I think that at one point, YLZ actually liked me O.o since she's always complaining how crappy and depressing the lounge is, that's why she never comes down.... but for about a month at the beginning of 2nd term, she'd come down every single day, and stick with me. She seemed really friendly during that period too. but then her visits suddenyl stopped and she barely rarely hardly ever comes down anymore ;_; and i think it may have been because of my stupidity and inexperience at life, not interpreting the changes well enough... and saying the wrong things >.> GOD DAMMIT!! if only i didn't try to use subliminal messages and said things in a more direct way... if only.... hehe (wow, 10 months later and i'm still talking bout the same subject >.>) 就算讓我知道 我永遠只是單戀 我也會藏著感謝 笑著和你說再見 that line fits perfectly how i feel... (taken from one of the theme songs of the twdrama "It Started With A Kiss" [yes, i still watch that kind of stuff >.>]) and here's a little line i wrote myself.... but its prolly completely grammatically wrong, like my engrish: 跟妳無綠份 無將來 無結果.... 但是我將繼續單戀你.... and... for those who know about HK's Bus Uncle.... 未解決! 你有壓力, 我有壓力! 未解決! 你有壓力, 我有壓力! 未解決! 你有壓力, 我有壓力! 未解決! 你有壓力, 我有壓力! 未解決! 你有壓力, 我有壓力! oh yea, i'll just tack on the rare few of the random things i've written lately: ---------------------------------------------------------- NO TITLE - UNKNOWN DATE - INCOMPLETE Destroy your dreams and your visions. Cast yourself in the darkest cloaks And ponder no more. In this tale told by an idiot That signifies nothing. But perhaps, you would Want to see the light, Come into the light Walk into the light Look into the light Be Blinded by the light And forever see no more (For our own trinity will never bind together) Dreams are little stories with pictures We paint ourselves in denial of What we know that will happen Pictures that dull and crumble with wisdom When we finally accept the fate given to us, Not the one we dreamt for. ---------------------------------------------------------- NO TITLE 29/04/06 - INCOMPLETE The sight of you refreshes me like A breath of the cold night air, With smells that remind us of the little things And sounds that teach us how peaceful the world can be, Sights that we might not see, But know that joys lie within. ---------------------------------------------------------- NO TITLE 27/05/06 - INCOMPLETE I'll look longingly at the horizon Over the unfinished bridge that was Intended to close the gap between Two worlds, but never will. These calm waters may be a way To cross into forsaken lands and Search for an ambiguous end Created and puppeteered by fate. I'll dance to these strings, Flinging my arms and legs In a random pattern that Is not random at all, Only to fulfill a story Written by someone else. ---------------------------------------------------------- i'm definitely thinking too much about things... that's what happens when you're too bored (or you lie awake too much) random note: happy super belated birthday to meeeee ^^ (long entry to make for the month and a bit of no post XD)
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Hey!!! how are ya!? I haven't been on in like FOREVER!!! I really miss talking to you!!
Hey its me Todd again. I figured out my password for this diary. I'm so happy to be on again
Chris?? how are you??
Hey! I just got an Email. its: