You fill up my senses...

I played piano for a wedding on New Years Eve. I played most of it okayishly but then I started to play Annie's Song twice and muddled it up a little but it didn't matter because I was sitting hidden behind some nice tall rose bushes. =P And I thought about us together. I sat and watched the sun set over the water and I remembered us walking together, your arm around my waist. I remember lying in the rough grass, soft skin upon soft skin, nothing real apart from us. Everything else a haze of perfection, not caring if the whole world had opened their eyes to see us. That one moment where you want to laugh and cry all at once, laugh from the sheer knowledge that you are together, cry because you know deep down that you're being idealistic. But it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Nothing matters I remember digging the heels of my pretty shoes into the ground and felt that longing to be loved in that way again. And I brushed away those annoying tears when I thought about her because for one moment, just once more, that memory could be mine. It was all mine, once. All of it. I remember leading up into the chorus of 'A Time for Us', the love theme from Romeo and Juliet, and all I could think about was you, how you'd first looked when I saw you, how I'd first looked to you when you first saw me. It was like my fingers were playing alone, detetched, because we were the music and we were together dancing in the moonlight. Dreams are never going to be free.
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Talk about great writing- Your entry is fantastic. I love it.