You're the brightest star

I made him go home because my tummy hurt so much and I didn't want to have to keep explaining why I didn't want to have sex and why I was grumpy and why I felt miserable all night. I knew he'd be grumpy when I tossed and turned all night. So I asked him in the nicest possible way to go home. And he did. With much complaining and sulking and 'what have I done wrong's. Its nice to be alone finally and have some time to myself to just exist. So now I'm going to go turn up the stereo, run a bubble bath, make large amounts of coffee, take several glasses of red wine and just be me. Without worrying about ringing someone back or something I have to do or being pregnant or thinking about anyone else. Least of all Andrew. And then I'll curl up on the couch in my oldest most ripped and tattered favourite pajamas and watch movies. All by myself Without thinking about anything that doesn't involve me.
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I'm alright... I'm a little nervous; I'm late on my period and I've been feeling a little under the weather lately. I think it might be serious... But other than that; I'm doing great.