I Don't Know

Listening to: Girl's Not Grey-AFI
Feeling: stubborn
So here's news. I'm STRESSED OUT!!!! Ok? Yeah I've been just wanting to be alone only a few people have been able to talk to me today. Yes the select few in which I decide to talk to. I'm going to have the twins over on monday lmao that rocks <33. Anyway other news I had a fight with my dad and my mom is all pressuring me to do all district and I don't want to do it. I know I won't make it I have no chance. I ended up sobbing crying when I couldn't play this song. I know I'm a wimp but still it's just so much pressure. And finding out all this stuff and explaining my crap love life to everyone is so complicated. I hate it and I need a chill pill. Lol but I'm in a pretty good mood today. I've been pretty much silent all day and staying out of people's way cause I'm sick of being yelled at and stuff. My mom thinks I'm giving up french horn for guitar. I was like >< No mom... But she kept going damn parents... Yeah she said I'd get guitar taken away and computer taken away if I don't do it. So I'm gonna do it but if I dissapoint her and Albert it's going to be hell...
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I wish I knew why you are stressed out, and how I could help. And I REALLY hope that I have not contributed to that stress. If I can help, you know you can contact me, and you know I will help. Hope you have a great year.
Hey...if you're looking for a laugh check out my sitdiary. Among the ones I turned down were rule the world, make millions in the rubber ducky business, and...can't remember the other one.
Kristina I called him!! but didn't get to talk to him... he's suppoused to call me back.
I'm home alone again and sooo BOreD!!
you need to write a new entry.