Screw you bess

Listening to: 764-hero
Feeling: bleh
So I am at school right now sitting next to my friend Tony. He's so crazy. I am supposed to be working on something or other..but I dont wanna...hee hee. Yeah, I guess alot of people are pissed that I didn't invite them to my party, but I didnt think alot of them would want to come anyways. All we did was get drunk and sit around.. I dont know..things are wierd lately, I thought that night of inspiration would spark me up again so I could continue having a life. But Since that night when I was pissed off at Ashley, I havent painted again. It really sucks.. I am reading the book called " A child called it" and it is very disturbing. This boys mother beats him and burns him for no reason. Its scary. Argh....I'm such a lazy person its sickening and I really wish I was listening to Radiohead right now. Anyways my school sucks but guess I better work on my project since It is due next monday and I have nothing started. FUCK. WOW. I am wondering how many times I have complained in this Im going to try and make tony sing the squirell song. Cya
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hey guess where i was today... not at school! sry but i had to do that. ne ways, i had to skip cuz i couldn't stand the sight of anymore happy people for one more day! yea see you tomorrow, biatch.
I have read that story... its so sad =.(... well every school sux lol... hope you paint again
=.) adios!
i read that..its like my favorite book
who aske dyou about the party?
im in the middle...mayfourth
hey if u by chance get to read this then... cool okay i was thinking about sending u vodka or amontiado cuz its really good. but i think its illegal..