scary... but i love your diary! who is the chick in the background? kinda looks like brody from The Distillers...kinda well bye
oh ok...yep i am wiccan! lol u?
awwww....well any time u need a brain to eat, mines there for u!....that sounded realli wierd but it was supposed to be nice...=S
yeah same here! but the gods and godesses still answer my prayers.. which is very freaky at times..
haha a sloth buger is an inside joke me and my 2 friends have..

but a sloth is a brown mammle:O)

i added u if u dont mind^_^ do u have yahoo instant messenger? dude.. this chick is so rude.. i commented her diary then she tells me off cuz of my music background.. god.. so rude....
hey! me too!
Thank you! That's nice of you to say so. May I have the cookie instead of the hug please, 'cause girls give me the willies? HEY, I think your comment animation is WILD. It is like a bad dream. Frightening shit that is!
yay and my brain meats want to be eaten by lola!
it all works out!
yeah next time you have to tell me about the show
because i will come
because i HAVE to come
i must must must see another concert.
the last one was like jan. 1st.
i mean COME ON
capital letters rock my world
and now i feel like i have to use up my last 101 letters
so i will.
i never thought wasting space would be this fun.
ta now my lovely ho ;)
Really? I didn't know they were doing that...that's funny. I mean you know...since Eminem is soo black. :)

Nice diary.
Giggity giggity. :D Don't be a stranger chickadee. Maybe I'll be able to entertain you again soon.