that would be nice

Listening to: none
Feeling: witchy
well, halloween day and my mom decides to be her. no, of course i can't see my girlfriend. apparentley we spend too much time together. well, fuck that, fuck you, and your little dog too. hehe.....that rhymed (said with some amazment) well, i suppose i'll have to wait until tomorrow to see her. that's okay because at least i get to see her. which is really cool. just been sitting around doing random functions or whatever else comes to mind. sort of systematic but what else am i supposed to do. i'm as happy as i'm going to get. thinking about my love and never letting go of that perfect image of "us". neat stuff. some say love can fuck you up in the worst degree, well...i think it changes a person, but it's not a bad thing. love lets you know someone does care. "to walk out those doors, with falling rice... be with her always... ...that would be nice" Serenity
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that sucks u couldnt go see ur g/f
I know babe I wanted to be with you also but we got through it like we always do just remember we can't let people get in the way of what we have...Love ya..Peace