
Feeling: alone
so i just completely broke down last night. my love left for her aunt's house for her cousin's b-day party. her aunt doesn't like her boyfriend's calling HER house so i got yelled at by my love because she got yelled at, that made me feel great. i was fucking crying and missing her like no other and she starts out by yelling at me to ask why the fuck i called. "...because i miss you..." guess i shouldn't have called, i dunno, wasn't exactly greeted the warmest. so we talked about things for awhile and i'm still feeling mildly self-destructive from last night. she said she was going to call today while she was over there so i'll probably get off-line soon. it's just that i've been waiting by the phone all day and not a single ring, i don't know what's going on. i just hope i can talk to her....i feel so alone....i wish like hell that i was with her right now....but no...can't happen...what else is new with my life...it sucks when she's gone. and then the fact that i can't call over there cuz it's not polite and i'd get my head chewed off again. well byes, SEE YOU IN HELL... ~Maynard~
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*hugs* You sound like you need lotsa hugs at the moment. *huggle* (even if it is a cyber hug, it's something, right?) ~ Uno xXx
Everything is well now...I'm sorry about that though...I love you and I'm happy you did call me...

hi how are you im really bored sombody burn somthing well anyways good luck tonight.