a warm place

Listening to: none
Feeling: sexy
i had a good V-day. i agree with many others that is only a Halmark holiday. It does have a special significance to some, which i can see why. the early stages of a relationship and they believe that every day should be some sort of landmark. Two days ago was my girlfriend and I's year and a half anniversary. special to both of us becuase we've been to hell and back, a few times i think. but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger i guess. hope all is well with the rest of the internet community and i hope to hear from all of you. Adam
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I'm just curious....why do u sign the note a.a.m but then dont say its from maynard? Kinda confused....yeah...its the same sister you met when we went to Alma..when we were together....congrats to you and Jessi