i'm sorry, greg, but do you know what the fuck you just caused?
alex didn't need your fucking shit.
i love you to death but come the fuck on, man. you're leading people to suicide attempts. my god...
i'm sorry. this is just a bit too much. alex is not a bad person. she doesn't need to be trying to kill herself. she doesn't need to be sad. that's bullshit, dude.
i was just told this.
audacity n.
1 : the quality or state of being audacious : as a : intrepid boldness b : bold or arrogant disregard of normal restraints

sorryy, i had to look that up.
but i don't dare.

eh. i call bullshit. you read hers first. she didn't even read your shit because it was locked. so yeah. and you hit her? no, the fact that you screamed at her for something stupid is bad enough. you makeout with her and then scream at her and blahblah. whatever. you lead her on waaaay too much. and she didn't need to end up like that in the first place. lead on. killing herself. whatever.