scott, i need a favor, i have a diary on here but i cant log in as it becus sum1 had changed the password on me, if u would pls send it to my emai, and if u will tell me my email, becus i have many diarie s oon here so im not aware of which it maybe, i suppose it would be, thanks so much for puting up with me :-)

lova ya always
I have a question. How do you change colors of your font throughout the entry..and also, my whole entry isnt showing up..only like half of it. Do you know anything about this? If so, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks!
I have a question. How do you change colors of your font throughout the entry..and also, my whole entry isnt showing up..only like half of it. Do you know anything about this? If so, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks!
i like the change
hey scott, you think we could add images onto comments sometime in the future?
llike add a tag from a photo storage and have images appear on comments.
Okay, um when I log in then I got ot my diary then I click random, i aouotomaticaly log out, whats up with that? i spelt automaticaly wrong, sorry
my entries and header settings just randomly erase themselves...i dunno how it
*pokes domain name* I always knew this site was gonna become something spiffified. ^_^ I'm proud to have a diary here.

I like the Day of Silence thing..but I didn't have the guts to do it. Since I'm the only person in my entire school (there's fourty students..small) who isn't straight, I'd be all alone. Heck, they don't even know I'm bisexual. And I'm too much of a coward to let them find out.
Scott, i am having a few problems as of late...

the first is that sometimes after i save an entry, even if it only took me two min's to write, it will go blank and say blank as the entry title..

the second thing is that i have been having to change my info over and over again for some odd reason its going back to default...


a few things that might be cool for the site:

(1) an option that lets you see who you are a 'friend' of.

(2) search options according to age, location, and common interests.

(3) an indicator that shows which of your 'friends' have updated since you last logged in.

I am looking forward to pay diaries with all the cool stuff. :-)
PS: about those articles, I was actually the president of the gay-straight alliance at my university as an undergrad. I ran the National Day of Silence activities every year.
i second kate on this stuff:

"(1) an option that lets you see who you are a 'friend' of.

(2) search options according to age, location, and common interests."
damnit. i forgot all about the day of silence this year. last year, though, people threw trash and spit at us for supporting it by wearing homemade t-shirts. and honestly, i've never had so much fun in my life.
i think its effing awesome. did you make this diary thing up. b-cuz if you did im officially in love with you! lol.
Unfortunately I'm still unable to log on at school because they blocked the SitDiary server, but other than that everything works fine.

sry the diary name is howithappened and can you pls send the password to the email
i owe u so much, thanx for everything

the new adress is working so much better for me because i have a hard time remembering things and is so much easier for me.
eep i forgot my diary password
can you e-mail it to me?
the diary is 'xxlovegunxx'
the e-mail is ''. thanks soo much
Hi Scott. I finally figured out how to upload images to my I'm wondering if there is way to place them inside an entry...and a way make the size a little bit smaller.
SCOTT i think we should have another chat thingy, i def. missed the last one:-( sounds hot tho, think about it!!
sry the diary name is howithappened and can you pls send the password to the email
i owe u so much, thanx for everything

Keep on rocking. Sitdiary rules!!!
I like the new sit and everything, just taking some time getting used to the new name though ... Love it and keep up the awesome work
heyy i like the new adress..i think it finaly makes sense. lol i have a request..i dont no if you fix this site and stuff..but is there anyway you can make a diary that can only be viewed by people who are logged in?

it works..
my name and age wont show on my daiary and my top_left pic isnt working. whats up?
hi sorry to bother you, could you leave me a note on my diary on how I delete my diary?? Thanks!!

hi i was wondering something.. can u tell me this persons first and last name atheistgirl09??? they have been causing problems on sitdiary!! with ya no mean comments and that sort of thig please get bac to me with the name and i would love to tell them to stop!! thanks please comment soon
it said some conservative parents are keeping their kids out of school today for the day of silence! Thats almost just funny! Why cause they wouldnt want their kids to witness "those fags" bein quiet or what!? Silliness.
yeah i have a problem. it wont show my new entry i recently posted. none of them.
its faster to type
Ahhh... :( Why does a deleted image continue to pop up in photo manager? I deleted my 'top_left' picture yesterday, and it keeps showing up when I rename a new image to 'top_left'. Why does it keep doing that...? why? why? why? why? why? Ahhhh..... :( And the new adress is fine. :D It's fantabulous even. :P
well everybody has to rearrange any links they had to their diarys but it still feels the same to me
sitD was, is, and always will be a most beautiful thing.

I've never heard of this Day of Silence. Apparently this happens every year? I suppose that shows what kind of schools I went to.

Question: are we inching closer and closer to paid accounts?

i like it a lot. mostly because i haven't noticed any difference.

i'm with ash. i can't wait to give you money. :)
welp my pictures dont show up quite correctly. let me know if this can be fixed or if i need to just take them down b/c they look stupid since you cant see the whole picture.
luv always
a vivid fan
Its good, hard to remember though. I'm still used to typing in "". I shall miss the old address, but oh well. ;) good work mr scott!
"SUCHISTHIS" foreverz and everz and fo lyfe!!!

pshhhhhh :]
Ok, so my friend "justadream" is having trouble signing in... says she logs in, it says she is logged in, yet she can't acces any of her diary nor can she leave signed comments.... Please check into it for me as she keeps bugging me;) Have a great day! Aaron
its easier to remeber...i could never remember it before.
no problems with my diary
wonderfull move scott, as always a well done job
Good articles... the second one... is 2 years old tho.
the only problem i have is that it's hard for me to remember to type "" instead of "" :)
no, just the cancel button saves changes done to diaries. Lol, it was humerous tho. I relize I left the last note on the april fool's entry and it wasn't an april fools. silly ASHLEE.
i found that there's a difference between logging in at and just without the www. awkward.
this is definitely easier to remember.. i do kinda miss the suchisthis address tho but i like this one better =)
I think the only thing more conservative than the second site would be something that said, "it's about time those gays stopped talking!"

Way to opress, conservative America.
I like it. This is deffinately the best site ever.

sorry to be a pain but this diary is not being used at all. i was going to write a story but i never did. if you could please delete it, i'd apprectiate it.

congrats on the move!
i like it
its great but my friend wanted to get on but she cant make a diary.. that could be a problem..

wow...i REALLY wish i would have heard about the 'Day of Silence' before today (14th) i SOO would have participated. im not gay but i definatly support it, and i think the harrasment and stuff people go through is sickning. thanks for sharing!
hell yeah... I'm totally doing the whole day of silence next year... I was thinking about being completely silent yesterday anyway (weird coincidence... we've been learning about nuns and vows of silence... lol)

After all... I am the silenced freak.

I totally support GLBT movements! and random strange protests are so fun.
hey well i love this site...but i have had alot of prombles with signing if u cant help please...thank u
by the way i aint sure of how to put the backgrounds on my diary and the graphics too please help
bEsT qUoTe eVeRrr:
"My kids went through this a few years ago, and I couldn't believe the homosexuality and the filthy sex that they were teaching."
omgzlol!1..uh, let's get serious. homosexual or heterosexual, that day is for protesting for what you believe in. &some jerks aren't going to like that. (like the douche up there) i support it.

i get where people don't want to start conflict though. opinions are powerful.
&on that note: worddd
A friend of mine, well a few... did Day of Silence.. lets just say they couldn't even keep it the whole day. -.-' They kept slipping up a lot. It was ok. At my school, my one friend is now trying to start this new Gay, Straight Alliance.. eh, not really sure if it'll work considering not many people like her.. but oh well.

Take care everyone!