Purpose of Life

I think I found my purpose. I think that I am supposed to save people. So I want to save you. I want to help you see that no matter what your problem is, light can always shine in the dark. Now I know I don't come across as a big religous guy but honestly I wouldn't be here today if I wasn't. And by that I mean I would be dead a long time ago if I wasn't saved. I found out that I was saved and I want to share my fate with all of you. You who cry to sleep at night. You who wear smiles when inside you are dying. See I have been there. I know what it is like to wake up and be disappointed that you did wake up. Now I want to talk to you. Talk to me. Just don't judge me. You all are my friends. I can help you... I think anyway...
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weekends always lift my spirit.. .then back to getting yelled at for a week. err. i wish we had 2 days of school 5 days of weekend. yay that would be fun so i will see you at the partayyy
i kill you