I am not

I am not a hypocrit. I am not lying to you. I am not a hypocrit. This is what went down. You sat there on the end of the couch and I was asking you questions about it. I was asking you stuff and you were answering. Then I asked you about the party and you said nothing happened and that really you all just sat around and did nothing. Then you asked me if I would try some. And I said I was willing to try everything once. So I said yeah I would try some with you. Then we continued to talk about it. Then I talked to Dana about it. And then she texted you. And she said she wanted to get high. And I paid for half of it because I wanted to too. But then I had a deep conversation with my dad about his experiences in doing all that shit. And I changed my mind. I didn't want to. I questioned who I am. I realized that I didn't want to do it. Not at all. So I got rid of the single hitter. And Dana got rid of the weed. And now I am here. And I broke your trust. And you hate me. But I am not a hypocrit. I am just trying to find out who I want to be. I don't know what I was thinking. But I know I am not a hypocrit.
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i still think u are.stop being a fuck tard.
dont talk to me