
soft like a whisper Softly you tell me you love me Foolishly I believed you Why do I have to be so stupid knowing full well what happened the last time I never will forget that If only I can make you understand how I feel Why couldn't you have just said no why did you have to say wait for me what do you think I am some shirt hanging out to dry you think that if you leave me there you can just come back to find me waiting Well maybe I did it once but not again I refuse to be hurt again the knife you cut me with went deep it also left scars in my heart the fear burns me everytime I see you Captured in a lie I found myself crumbling the thought for cutting came to me again so badly that I actually went out and found about ten blades in the garage and I just stood there and stared at them... then slowly and lightly I ran them over the skin of my wrists and imagined the blood.. Soft warm and thick trickling down my hand as I remember all the pain that you have caused me... the knife now covered as I slash again and again
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oh jeff...u know that if she doesnt see what a sweet guy you are then i guess she isnt the one for you. i am not good with words but i have had my heart broken..and it doesnt go away..if u ever need to talk to me u know where to find me