hollerate dun dun dun

Feeling: happy
i am being so polite today, im really proud of myself. i havent been sarcastic ONCE. and on our way out of dearborn farms, i even thanked the very nice autmoatic door for opening. i said, "thank you door" and numerous people looked at me like i was demented. but at least they know that im polite. dearborn farms is like a meat market for hot guys. seriously, what is it about fruit and vegetables that draws so many fine young specimes to work there? fruit...ok i get it now. and im sorry for my lameness. due to experiences i will not delve into, i would just like to ask the general public to do everyone a favor and instead of keeping your nose full of snot and making disgusting noises, move your lazy ass and get a tissue. i really really like baby carrots and honey roasted ham from dearborn. it is in fact the most delicious ham on the planet. and i also dont like my mom&dad for not letting me take a bus to boston to visit miss laura for a few days this week. ive got the need...the need for weed. actually, laura and i feel like quite the idiots for not buying some from chuck at brizown. i mean, even if we werent gonna smoke it there, (with JULIUS!) why the fuck didnt we buy any!?!? stupid stupid. but then again, i didnt have any money. and now i remain a pot virgin. today i went food shopping. this was the first ever shopping trip i have had in which i looked at the nutrition information on every item of food. it was hell. there is now a beautiful carton-like-thing of banana fudge chunk ice cream sitting my fridge which i cannot eat. i will sell it to you for cheap. speaking of i will sell it to u for cheap, the artist formerly known as turnip is returning from italy today! yesterday, i IMed about 324098 people who i havent spoken to in so long. it was good. i really miss some people even though i dont really know why. maybe i just miss holmdelians? it is possible. but i just think i really miss these people now. and im glad we talked, even though everyone is too cool to IM, and i always have to be the one to IM certain people. why is that? i know that in my case, i dont IM some people because i feel like im bothering them...or i think that they are gonna be like eeeeww why is she tlaking to me. but then i thought about it, and i realized that i have never thought that about anyone whos IMed me...so i dont think other people feel that way//right? whatever, i think i just miss talking to people under the age of 60. there really must be some secret law in ohio that prohibits people to be below 60. theyre so old. and i am oh so young. so what else. i am currently sporting the fake dread look, complete with a bagillion of stupid little braids that actually look pretty cool. i really want dreads, but i dont particularly enjoy the idea of shaving my head when i finally feel like taking them out. and then theres the whole issue of having disgusting oily hair that looks dirty and could possibly be housing many tiny insects. so now i think they braids should go. i know that i say this after every entry, but this one has seriously been one of the most boring pieces of shit ive ever written, so sorry. godspeed
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hello nifi kokman...i want ur ice cream! n im bored...call me xoxo

<3 chef
Massive Attack is Incredible
Congratualtions on saying godspeed.

-Samuel Raphael
PS, If you want more portishead or massive attack im me.