pee pee pee

Feeling: icky
before i take my long awaited trip to the bathroom, (that i am, for no reason at all, putting off) i just wanna say that i have decided to make myself more politically aware. i want to be able to actually participate in a knowledgable conversation about politics and understand exatcly what the fugg it is theyre talking about. how to do this, i dont know, but the point is that ive made the decision. oh god my poor bladder. most likely out of laziness, i dont get up for very long periods of time, even when i need to use the 'facilities' as my mom calls them when shes trying to sound smart or something...if i were my bladder i would actually be very angry right now. but anyway, it can wait. i remember that time when i thought that i had two bladders and one kidney. god i was stupid back in the day. im pretty sure that happened last week. anyway, a trip to the toilet is in order, good day sir. after peeing. im sorry guys, i know that pee is not particulary the most pleasant topic, but it was on my mind, and this is MY journal, so what are u gonna do. i dont know why anyone talks to me, im such a retard. i was thinking about it, and i really dont like madonna and her disgusting little friends thinking that theyre jewish now. bitch, get over yourself, your name is fucking madonna. i miss being surrounded by jews. brown was cool, we should have performed services on shabat or something for everyone. that would be so cool. WEST SIDE! REPRESENT! i also realized that i overuse the word cool. and that the word "cool" really isnt that special. i wish i could talk to some people without feeling inadequate or like an ass, and i hope that everything i feel about school right now wont change. because i feel like this year is gonna be different. last year, i gave maybe a 3 (out of a scale of 1-10) in effort on school. so im gonna try harder this year. i will i will. and it doesnt help me follow through with this resolution to have steph in 4 of my classes, enabling her to give me all her hw like she did last year. cheffie, u know im not stupid, i just dont like to work. whatever, we'll see how this year goes. oh yes, i can hear those princeton bells ringing. wink. who wants to see garden state tomorrow? i want to go with someone, but i mainly need a ride. in any case, this has been an extremely bitchy and obnoxious entry. i can think of no better punishment than to force feed ice cream to myself.
Read 12 comments
I love watching you pee, Niki.
uh oh I ran outta carrots. SAD SAD DAY
Fuck...Messier can't get down.
What's the answer to #24, bIOTCH!!
Hey Niki. It's been sooooo long since I last saw you. There seems to be a psycho commenting on ur journal. Anyway I miss you to death and LOVE U!!!
I can't find my Hamster!!!
ahhh summer '04 is rapidly crumbling to a sad sad end. :(!
Ugh I hate Madonna. She switches religions like she switches her underwear....hypocrite
I need sushi
I love my singing Loaf of Bread.
OMG NIKI. I can't wait to see u Wed. I need to see your sexy bod. XOXOX