so many concerts, so little money...homeless no more...

Feeling: excited
this is a good week. spring break. yesssss... three reasons to be happy: #1 i am going to the GO CHUCK YOURSELF tour. it's going to be awesome. #2 the NOISE TO THE WORLD tour is coming to indianapolis. i about wet myself...until i saw the crack. oh boy. #3 WE AREN'T GOING TO BE HOMELESS!!! yep, we got la habra. it's awesome. well...most likely, unless there is a dead body beneath the crawl space, which is underneath my bedroom. so lets hope everythings good. well i am leaving. peace out.
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hey.. read my concert entry lol
i freakin changed my diary!!! check it out yo!
Thank you, I will try to Update more frequently, and attempt to make this not an Empty oromise.
yea.. im just gettin sum pixs scanned n ill put in a diary entry