Shipped Out

Feeling: infuriated
August 28, 2006 Well after all that's happened this past weekend (read my last two blogs to find out) and after what happened last night, Garrett left this morning to go to San Diego. Since I didn't get to talk to him last night after he had a talk with his dad I called my SSgt this morning before he picked Garrett up and asked him to have G call me. So I talked to G... and let me tell you, I felt so much better. It felt so great to hear his voice and to find out he wasn't mad at me or going to end our relationship. I can't believe I spent so much time crying last night and this morning... all cause his dad called me a bitch. What his dad says about me doesn't matter cause his dad doesn't respect or like me anymore. I've written his dad a letter applogizing for being disrespectful to him and what not but I'm not sure it's going to help. If I can remember G's address I'll send it to his dad or maybe I'll just drop by one day when they are all gone and leave it for him. I have to hope that the letter I wrote proves/shows his dad that I'm truely sorry. So, now I have 13 weeks without G, except for a letter here and there. I'm gonna miss him so much... hell I miss him all ready. I can only hope that these 13 weeks fly by and he's back before I realize it and it's Dec. I know only one way my time will fly by and that's if I get my job at FIA and spend most of my hours working and then sleeping, and the writing to him when he writes. When I get some money, I'm gonna buy him a gift for when he comes back, but I'm not sure yet what it's gonna be but I think I have an idea and if you know G then you prolly know what I'm talking about. Well, I'm outta here for now... later mater August 31, 2006 Well I cried again Tues and Wed... all cause come to find out Garrett's all ready written a letter to Aubrey. I got all upset and I had a test on Wed for a job at FIA... I was really distracted during it and I hope I did okay. When I got home, I checked the mail and their wasn't a letter for me, so I started crying again. Then I finally convinced myself around 6ish that it didn't matter if he wrote her a letter cause it was prolly to sort things out with her. (She offered to send me a copy of the letter, then decided against it cause she said it was up to Garrett if I knew what the letter said. That was fine with me cause it would prolly piss me off reading it.) Then when I got up this morning I remembered the dream that I had had... (I've had a dream every night since he left, but I could never remember them.) The dream was I was at his house with him and his dad (after Boot Camp) and his dad was actually being nice to me. He actually trusted me again and was treating me almost like a daughter. It was actually kinda cool. Then I went outside to see my cat, Marbles, and I started crying when I asked him if he missed his Papa G. I realized then that I was crying because I missed him and not because I was upset about things. Now I'm off to school to see Victoria, David, and my favorite teacher, Miss. Blackburn. So I'm out... later
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Sunday Problems

Listening to: Silence
Feeling: aggravated
Ooohhh.. grrr... I offically hate my life at this moment. Last night G spent the night at my house cause there were some respect issue going on between his father and me... His father basically has no respect for me and I now have none for him. Well G sleeps in till about 12 and then gets up and we leave my house around 12:30-1ish. I send Aubrey a txt saying that we are heading to his house, since she wants to see him before he leaves and this is really the only day she can now. So we get to his house and his dad's gone (yay no fighting) and we go in and chill for a bit. Nick calls and tells me he's on his way. Nick gets there and it's all good. We're chilling, having a good time, then Aubrey shows up... nothing bad happens... he talks to her for a bit, gets a little upset (I think), she gives him his stuff back and then he ends up leaving in his moms car (after awhile), spinning the wheels (I know he's upset now). His dad comes home while he's out... now Jack called his dad a little after he left and told him that G was gone in mom's car and spun the wheels and that he didn't know where he went. His dad drives by the house when he gets home, goes around the block, and then parks. Now at this point I'm not going inside cause his dad would have just disrespected me, so I stayed outside and waited, with Nick, for G to show up. He comes back after about 20 minutes or so with a card. He gets out of the car and Jack asks him where he went and then asks him if he knows how to play a skin flute... asshole. I keep him outside to try to ask him what's wrong and he just says "Everything". After a little bit, Aubrey's mom walks out and says "we're getting ready to leave so if you want to see Aubrey you better come say goodbye". She then proceeds to ask him if he's been spreading rumors about them sleeping together (which aren't true, as far as I know and he never did spread any as far as I know... he wouldn't do that). She pretty much yells at him, tells him she'll deck him if he is, and then walks back inside. G then proceeds to rip up the card and tossed it on the ground. At this point, I'm trying to think of a way to pick his mood up but I know nothing will work. We stand out there for 10 minutes or so and then his dad walks out and says "are you gonna come say goodbye"... G tells him no and goes to throw away the card that he ripped up. When he gets over by the house his dad basically makes him go talk to him. They talk for a few minutes then I hear "She is a bitch" and I look at where they are standing and his dad is pointing at me... he then said something along the lines of "She has no respect for me" and I just started crying. Nick was trying to comfort me but it wasn't any good. His dad talks to him for a few minutes and then he walks inside. G walks over and ask me about some message I supposedly sent to Aubrey. He gets all ticked off at me about it, tells Nick he'll write him and walks away. I call to him, asking him to come back... he looks at me and walks inside. I lost it... I just freakin cried my eyes out. I asked Nick if he would go and get G so I could tell him goodbye, but when Nick went up to ask, he walked in.. dad told him to knock before he came in so Nick had to walk back out, knock on the door and then asked if he could talk to G. His dad basically told him it was time to leave. So Nick and I head back to my house since he didn't want to leave me when I was upset. On the way home I txted Aubrey to see if she was still at G's house so she could tell him to call me later since I wanted to say goodbye and never got to. But she told me she wasn't at his house and that she wouldn't call him since she didn't want to screw up her relationship with his family. Thanks for nothing. Well I txted her for a while and asked her about the message I supposedly sent. She sent me a copy and it's not even how I type and when she said I sent it Fri I knew it wasn't me cause I was too pissed about his dad's behavior towards me to send her a message like that. So I know I didn't send it but she still thinks I did... I mean I don't know how to explain it coming from my phone but I know for sure I didn't type it... I'm still trying to remember if I set my phone down at any point that night and if Jack had a chance to pick it up and send her something like that. So now I've been txting Aub for like 2 hours or more trying to figure out what the hell went wrong and if she would call him for me but she won't... so I'm done talking to her. (all I wanted Aub was for you to tell him to call me... I honestly don't think that would have affected your relationship with his family). Nick left about an hour and a half ago to head home since he has school tomorrow. So now I'm waiting... waiting for G to call me of his own free will to talk.... to say goodbye... but I doubt he'll call me cause I think he's mad at me... if he would freakin call me, we could work this out. I'm trying to figure out how I can say goodbye to him before he leaves and at least sort some of this out and the only real way I can think of, other than calling his house now and having his dad hang the phone up on me, is to call SSgt tomorrow around 1 or so and ask him to let me talk to G. Well I'm done for now... I hope I get to talk to G before he leaves tomorrow... if not, then I hope he writes me. I didn't want him to leave for BC on a note like this, but I'm not too sure if it could be helped. so... later all.. pray (or whatever it is you do) that he calls me... I really want to talk to him.
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~160~ Poison Ivy and Shipdate

Listening to: Silence
Feeling: annoyed
Well, Friday I called the doctor and decided to make an appointment to get a shot to get rid of this poison ivy. When I got there I found out I have a combination of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak... YAY! So I got the shot of steriods for it... the tube for the liquid was as round as a dime almost and it was filled up at least half way which was like 2 inches of liquid... It freakin hurt when she stuck it in my hip and then injected me with it. My hip is actually pretty sore now and it hurts when I lay on it. Well, after my visit with the doctor I went over to Garrett's. I woke him up (it was about 12 at this time) and we decided to go out for lunch. When we got back from lunch, we sat down to watch TV. While we were watching TV SSgt calls. Garrett talks to him for a bit, hangs up the phone, and says "I have some good news, yet bad news". I was like "what?" Come to find out... he's shipping out Tues, instead of Sept 5. Some kid dropped and they had to fill his hole, cause they have to ship so many and Garrett just happened to be the closest one to being shipped. So now instead of being here for another 9 days... he leaves Mon morning... Let's just say I'm not in the least bit happy about his early shipment. He is cause he gets to get away from his dad sooner, but yet he's not cause that means he won't be seeing me or his other friends for 13 weeks. GRRR!!!! So when we found out he was being shipped early... he had to go get his transcripts from high school and VU. So we went out and did those things, met SSgt at the office, showed SSgt my poison ivy/oak, and explained to him that was the reason I hadn't made it to any runs in the past week... which he pretty much told me to get away from him since he didn't want it. Well we got back to Garrett's house and was about to leave to go to my house to accompany my parents to the Frog Follies when his family walked back in. David and Jack walked past Garrett and whispered "Dad's gonna get you wasted tonight". Well, there goes that plan to go to the Follies with my family. So I called mom at this point and told her we wouldn't be able to go, since his parents were going to throw him a little party... his dad then walks up to G and hands him a glass of coke and jack and says "here you go son." After G's second glass and it's about 8, his dad says "Garrett, doesn't Ashley have somewhere to be right now?" Talk about rude... but G tells him that our plans got changed. his dad sorta rolled his eyes and continued to watch Stargate SG-1. When G was on his fourth glass of Coke and Jack we went outside and he dumped the rest of the glass and we sat by the bonfire, which had gone out (he's tried lighting it early but it wouldn't stay lite) and played with Manxi. His dad then walks outside and says "why don't you come inside and spend some time with your family?" to which G replies, "well you seem to be sucked into the TV and moms on the phone", but he stood up anyway and started to make his way inside. I stood to follow him and his dad then said, "No, your just too into that 'thing' behind you." What an asshole. I'm not a fucking "thing"... I'm a fucking "person". I had atleast a little respect for his dad but after he called me a "thing" I lost all respect for him. G and his dad ended up going for a drive and his dad tried to explain to G why he was acting the way he was... but it didn't really matter to me cause he was a jackass. he told G he had wanted it to be just "father-son" time... Well, sorry. some other people want to spend time with him just as much as you, Dad. Well, I left G's around 10:30, crying cause what his dad said just really pissed me off. Got home, got on the comp till about 2 and then prepared for bed when G called me, half drunk. he was telling me that his friend Dawson had come over and that his dad, Jack, David, and Dawson were pretty much trashed and headed out to get more beer. Somehow though, G wasn't really that trashed, but he wasn't completely sober either. talked to him for about 30 minutes and then got off to head to bed. now this morning was interesting when I went to pick G up. I walked into G's house like I usually do since G's told me before to just come right in. His dad was in the kitchen putting dishes up and his buddies David and Dawson were laying in the living room. Dawson showed me a tattoo that was a little below the belt... don't worry... I didn't see anything but the tattoo. After that his dad proceeded to yell at me. He asked me "Do you knocked before you just walked in." I said, "Usually". He then proceeds to say "Well, you will knock before you come into my house. You have no respect for me and you might as well leave". G yells at his dad from the bathroom but his dad just tells him to shut it. He then proceeds to tell me to get out again. At this point I was about to cry so I just walked right back out the door. I got in my car and waited till G came out. Talk about respect... he didn't show me any respect last night so why should I show him respect the next morning? Well, we went to the Frog Follies for about 3 hours and then proceeded to get lost in E-ville looking for the mall. We got back to my house around 4:20 and he decided to take a nap. I ate 2 hamburgers and then laid down with him for a nap. Now I'm up and writing this blog... and I think it's long enough... Well... Later mater
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Marines... Paperwork

Listening to: TV
Feeling: torn
Well, today I got all my paper work done for the Marines. So I'm officially in. I go Monday for MEPS. Monday morning I get to PT with SSgt, Garrett, and whoever else shows up. Then after that, I leave for MEPS. Garrett says I'll be spending the night there, which is going to suck. I wish he could come to Indy with me. I don't want to go by myself. Oh... here's something funny for you... I've all ready lost 10 pounds and I have to loose another 14 pounds. So Garrett tells SSgt to buy me some Hollywood 48-hour Miracle Diet stuff. Well I took some Thursday morning and so did Garrett. By noon, G was sh*tt*ng his brains out and it hadn't touched me. Now it's Saturday and it still hasn't touched me but G's been sh*tt*ng like none other. So, SSgt was like, "Let's buy you a little green bottle". Yep, I'm taking a laxitive and I really doubt I'll loose 14 pounds on it for Monday. I wonder what will happen if I don't loose 14 pounds. Guess I prolly won't go... then I'll have to wait a week, which is okay with me. Well, it's been about an hour since I drank 7 oz of that laxitive and I'm waiting for it to kick in. I will laugh my @ss off if it doesn't work, especially since the Hollywood Diet didn't work. Well, later
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I'll be 18 in...

10 hours and 45 minutes... I can't wait, though I don't know why. Not much is gonna happen when I turn 18... Prolly get some Happy Birthdays from my friends... already got my present from my parents... and that will prolly be about it. Birthdays are about pointless. Oh well... I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow, won't we?
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Well it's time for Talim's kittens to hit the road and not literally... I mean, it's time for them to get a good home. They are so adorable and I've made some fliers to put up at VU in case anyone there knows someone who would like a kitten. other than that... I don't have much to comment on. I really haven't had much to comment on or write about lately.... so, later.
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School's Out

Feeling: hellagood
Well Yesterday was the last day of school.... and it was fucking pointless. There was no reason to even go to school, except practice for awards and we didn't do that till after lunch. Oh well, school is finally over. Last night went to Heidi's softball game and found out that AJ was there cause our boys were playing WRV. David and Nick ended up showing up, so after the game (since both games ended at the same time), I took them to Xander's and got some ice cream. It was fun cause when we got back to their cars at the school we stood around my car, I put on some music, and we jammed out and had a little party. It was so much fun.
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Leika's Birthday

Listening to: Jeff Dunham
Feeling: aggravated
Well last night Leika's mom threw her a surprise party. Alot of people came, her grandparents and uncles and aunts and then the guys and the girls. the List: Erik, Sabra, Tristin, Justin, Jeff, Ross, Alex, Jessica F., Trisha, Tony, Evan, Jacob, Brian, and Justine. Turns out that Erik and Sabra got there at like 5 and Alex and Jess showed up prolly a little bit thereafter cause when I got there they were walking in. Jeff was actually walking up the long drive when I pulled up. When I finally got inside, I found who was there, sitting in the living room and then we decided to go downstairs so that way if Leika got there we could try and surprise her. Slowly the rest of the people showed up and then we had to wait like 40 minutes before she got off work. Then we had like 3 people tell us that Leika was pulling in and we still had to wait 15 minutes before she even came downstairs. Actually while we were waiting for her to come downstairs, Brian was climbing on the back of the couch and the two ends of that couch have recliners. Of course I was sitting on one of the ends and as he climbed over the top of it, the whole chair just jerked and fell backwards and he almost landed ontop of me. I was laughing my ass off and they were all like, "Shush, she's coming." Well she finally came down and we all were like, "Cover your eyes and then she can't see you." So we sat there for a few minutes while she just stared at us until her mom said, "Food!!!" We all jumped up and raced upstairs to get food. We had Grilled Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. It was pretty good. Then Leika went to open her presents and she ended up getting alot of little gifts especially from her friends. Then when she opened her cards she ended up making alot of money. well that's pretty much all... so later.
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Random Quizzes

Listening to: Ultraviolet
Feeling: happy
What Celebirty are you going to MARRY?!(14 outcomes with pics for anyone) Orlando BloomPlease rate this quiz I worked hard on it thanks and I hope that you had funTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Which LOTR Character is Your Most Compatible Friend? ooooohhh... if your a chick this is good for you! You're compatible friend is Legolas! He's not my first choice but elves KICK ASS and he could protect you from almost anything, not to mention you and he can have fun all day making fun of eachother and you'll still be tight! please rate my quiz ^_^Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Which 15 TV characters (past and/or present) from PR would you want to be stranded on an island with? 1) Trent Fernandez (PRDT) [He's a freakin hottie] 2) Thomas Oliver (MMRP/PRZ/PRT/PRDT) 3) Adam(MMPR/PRZ/PRT) 4) Jason Scott (MMPR) 5) Rocky(MMPR/PRZ) 6) Zhane (PRiS) 7) Andros(PRiS) 8) Carlos (PRiS) 9) Conner McKnight (PRDT) 10) Ethan James (PRDT) 11) Kira Ford (PRDT) 12) Sky Tate (PRSPD) 13) Bridge Carson (PRSPD) 14) Corbett brothers (PRLG) 15) Thunder Rangers (PRNS) Which 15 TV characters (past and/or present) from PR would have you seriously considering death as an option? 1) The WF Cast 2) The LSR Cast minus Ryan 3) Kimberly Hart (MMPR) 4) Katherine Oliver (MMPR/PRZ/PRT) 5) Tanya (PRZ/PRT) 6) Wind Rangers (PRNS) 7) Aquitian Rangers (PRA) 8) Jack Landors (PRSPD) 9) Syd Drew (PRSPD) 10) "Z" Delgado (PRSPD) 11) Mystic Force Cast 12-15) well I do have more than 15 so.... Which 15 TV characters (past and/or present) would you want to be stranded on an island with? 1) Who's Line Is It Anyway Cast even Drew 2) PRDT cast (only the rangers) 3) Zhane, Carlos, Andros (PRiS) 4) Adam, Jason, Rocky (MMPR) 5-15)Do I realy need to pick any more Which 15 TV characters (past and/or present) would have you seriously considering death as an option? 1) ER cast 2-15) Do I really need to pick anymore Okay, maybe that was a bad quiz to take.
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Feeling: torn
Well I went to PT last night and pretty much bit off SSgt's head cause he told me 0600 hours for Sat. He just sat there and laughed, and then he said that he told Garrett to make sure that I knew the correct time and come to find out, Garrett thought I knew. Oh well... it's done and over with. Just woke up and i'm kinda ticked off cause, I couldn't get to sleep last night cause I couldn't to sleep last night cause I couldn't stop coughing. Oh yeah, I finally got to watch Ghosthunters in like a few months. I've been really missing it and it came on last night. New episodes start like 2 weeks from now, on the 28th i think. I'm really excited. well I'm gonna go cause I'm gonna download some more of these really stupid videos. Later
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I really hate all of you....

Feeling: placid
Well, this morning I got up at 4:40 for no apparent reason now. Well actually I got up that early to get ready for PT which was suppposed to be around 6:30, but when I got there at like 5:40, no one was there. When 6:30 rolls around and only one of the guys showed up, we both decided to go home since we thought it was cancelled. Come to find out now, it was actually at 7:30... I'm so fucking pissed. I got up at 4:40 for no fucking reason. I really hate SSgt now. He's the one that told me to be there around 6, but then what does he do, changes the schedule and forgets to call me, even though I just gave him my cell phone number. GRRrrr.... Talking to Garrett right now and I'm a little ticked at him too. He has my cell phone number and come to find out, none of them thought to call me before they left. "Yeah lets make Ash get up at 4:40 and then not tell her she doesn't have to be here till 7:15. yes let's piss her off" Well you did a damn good job of it. I think I've finally had it with the Marines... I can't take any more of this stupid shit, and I'm not even ready for my second audition, so I think I'm gonna talk to mom and then call SSgt and tell him to cancel my audition. *storms off*
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~150~ Grrrr *sniff sniff*

Listening to: Pokemon themes
Feeling: sinful
I've been sick for the past 3-4 months and now it's getting worse. This weekend is Upward Bound. We get to take test *cheers in total sarcasim* and pick our roommates. I don't think I'm rooming with Justine this year caues she's been getting on my nerves for the past year and really irking me the past few months. I think I'll either room by myself, if I can... or see if I can room with Krystal if she's not rooming with Molly. I don't know I'll just see what happens this weekend. Hopefully I'll get to see Garrett this weekend. I really miss him... I haven't talked to him since the Wrestling Conference which was like a month ago. Very very sad. oh well. I get to see Loggy's new Razor phone too, I'm totally excited. Brittany and I have been planning this video game party for like 3 months or more, for AJ and Nick to stay here after the meeting and play soul calibur to see if Brittany can whip AJ and Nicks butts but every campus meeting they have something that keeps them from doing it. Hopefully this weekend they can do it. David called Nick and Nick said he was sick and had to ask his parents if he could. hopefully he reminds AJ of our plans. Well, that's all for now... I'm out. Later.
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Power Team

Listening to: DBZ movie
Feeling: torn
Well I went and saw the Powerteam Friday, printed out a few pics I took and then went and saw them Sunday with Brittany. Man they were good Friday, but they were really good Sunday. It would be kinda hard to explain everything they did so I think I'm going to upload some pics onto one of my diaries and make one "The Powerteam". Other than the Powerteam this weekend, the only other thing I did was spent the night at Crissy house and played "Whoonou" with only two people. Man that was fun. Instead of rating the cards from 1-4, we decided to make sentences out of the cards we got. ex) Ross got a tattoo at a party while he ate black licorice dinosaurs. If you knew the people we used, then they would be extremely funny, cause most of the sentences the people would never do. Well I'm outta here for now. I'll see ya'll later.
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Underworld Evolution and Band

Feeling: annoyed
Well yesterday I finally went to VU band and got to see the new building, which is very nice and the band room is just incredible. Practiced for 2 hours last night, which killed my lips. Had practice today after school for an hour and my lips died at about 45 minutes in. Not that good. Tomorrow's a half day and also Upward Bound and PT, but I don't think I'm gonna go to PT cause they aren't expecting me to come in anyway, cause I was supposed to have my surgery. (I don't want to talk about it... I really hate doctors now.) So I'll prolly just head to the Blue Jean Center and see if I can use their treadmills and do about 4-5 miles (no joke. I did 6 miles last wednes) then maybe come home and lift some weights. I wanted to go with Criss (i'm changing your spelling Chris) and Sabra today to go see Underworld Evolution again, but since I had band I couldn't go. it's about 7:42 now and I think I'm gonna head to bed around 8:30. So i'm off now to page surf, possibly talk to Criss if she gets on and then head to bed. later
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Listening to: DBZ movie 3
Feeling: torn
Yay... new layout... Hott sesky Micheal Corvin of Underworld. I'm super excited. I actually like it now and I really want to go see Underworld: Evolution again. Changed my private diary to Narnia... It looks cool too. Well, now I'm outta here cause it's 11:28 and I was actually in bed at 9:30 ready to go to sleep and then Crissy woke me up. Kinda mad at her but oh well, I'll get over it. I'm off now... bye
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Wrestling Match

Listening to: Super Mario Bros.
Feeling: torn
Sat I was supposed to go to Lincoln for a band thing, but I decided to ditch it and go to Washington for the Big Eight Conference to watch Garrett wrestle. We got there at about 9 and then found out it was supposed to start at 10:15, even though the website said it was at 9. When Garrett wasn't wrestling he sat up in the blechers by me and mom and then his dad came down and sat beside us as did his little brother. Saw Luke and Logan there. Luke had ended up breaking his foot so he pretty much slept the whole time and Logan played Monopoly on his gameboy. When it was time for Garrett to wrestle, I cheered him on. He won his first match, but unfortunately he lost his second match against Seger. He was very nervous about facing him, so he was pretty upset when he lost. He wrestled pretty good though. He won his third match and got in for the finals for 3rd and 4th place. He was pretty pissed when he lost that match cause I'm pretty sure he got screwed out of a pin by the stupid ref. There were times when I was sure Garrett had his opponent pinned and the ref never saw it. I was pretty pissed when the match ended it cause the time ran out. When I had a chance to go and talk to him before we had to leave, I was a little scared. But when I got down there by him, he looked like he was about to cry. So I talked, well - stood by him, for a few minutes. But then I had to leave so I said bye and came home. The conference didn't et over till about 5 which was Garrett's match (there was only one set of matches after his), and I would have stayed but mom was ready to leave. Tomorrow is P.T. and I hope I see Garrett there so I can ask him if he wants to go to the girls Lincoln game next Tues. and maybe if he wants to come over Fri to watch a movie or something. I guess that's all I have to say for now... later.
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~145~ Book Entry

Listening to: Laffy Taffy and Shake
Feeling: torn
"Jared hesitated. He didn't want to put his hands inside the wall and feel around. What if it was still in there and bit him? Maybe he didn't know much, but he really didn't think squirrels were normally this creepy. 'I don't think we should do that,' he said." [The Spirderwick Chronicles Book 1 - Torry DiTerlizzi and Holly Black] "'The lens of stone.' Jared reached for it." [The Spirderwick Chronicles Book 2 - Torry DiTerlizzi and Holly Black] 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23 (or a random page if you've used the book before). 3. Find the fifth sentence (or paragraph that goes with that sentences if it's short or even random sentence). 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. I finished all of the Narnia Chronicles and now I'm reading the Spiderwick Chronicles... yes I have an obsession with Chronicles now. The ending of Narnia was really sad, but at the same time, very happy. I can't wait to read it again. Well, I'm outta here cause I'm going to read the second Spiderwick since I already finished the first one. Later.
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"I can't do this..."

Listening to: Metallica
Feeling: frustrated
Well, my surgery was a no go. I woke up around 7 something, got dressed and was ready to go. As soon as we got there I was so nervous that 10mg of Valium (which would have worked on anyone else) did even affect me till 2 hours later when I had gotten something to eat. I mean, I just cried uncontrolably after he gave me the pill and left the room. Mom kept telling me to lay back and calm down that it would be all right but ovbiously she doesn't understand how scared I am of needles. So I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks, I think, to talk to a guy that will knock me out completely with gas. Then on the 3rd I actually get it done. I feel likes such a whimp cause I couldn't get it done. Well other than that nothing much really. Everyone's going to be wondering why I'm there Monday, but that's okay. Later
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