I'm all alone...

Feeling: optimistic
Wow! It's been a while since I've been on hasn't it? Well of course A lot of things have happened. I'm 18 now. My B-day was back on the 28th. Of course it really doesn't feel like anythings changed... My stepdad's cousin Gary is over from England. He's awesome! It was really funny when all those people were talking to him over at the Mule Days Festival... They were like "He has a neat British accent!" lol duh! That IS where he's from! The neighbor girl next door keeps asking him to say Harry Potter... The nights have been getting colder so I brought my pet cockatiels in. One of them was killed by a wild cat a week ago. That saddened me so... As usual my folks have been real asses... Of course I can never do anything right... I guess now that I'm 18 I should seriously look into getting a job... ugh... I have six D&D books now and next week I may have eight... Peace and Love... -Adolfo- I won't bother with horoscopes... I don't see myself posting regularly for a while...
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hey trust me ur not alone we all have someone out there we just need to find them i found mine i kept him close for 13 months but then i had to let him go i know how it feel to have parents and friends that are "asses" we need to find a place and relase all da stressses of life i really have no one now i try too hide my sorrows but they aventuly they come out hope life gets better for ya mate luv joexxxxxxxx
why hello there =
happy b-lated birthday =]