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Feeling: bored
got bored so I grabbed some survey questions from another blog... LAYER ONE: -- Name: Jacob William Shelton aka Kumo Adolfo Roboto -- Birth date: Sept-28-87 -- Birthplace: Southern Illinios -- Current Location: my room -- Eye Color: Brown *sigh* -- Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black -- Height: 6' -- Righty or Lefty: right handed, used to be both... -- Zodiac Sign: Libra LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: German and Irish me thinks -- The shoes you wore today: cheap sandals (my foot you know...) -- Your weakness: eating disorder... -- Your fears: celibacy... -- Goal you'd like to achieve: To seek the holy grail!! Or find a soulmate... whichever comes first... LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase on AIM: ... -- Your thoughts first waking up: only 1pm? wake me in a few hours.... -- Your best physical feature: Hair I suppose... -- Your bedtime: bed? what's that? -- Your most missed memory: If I missed it how could I remember it... hmmm is this a riddle? LAYER FOUR: -- Pepsi or Coke: Suicides(the drink) -- McDonald's or Burger King: I try to stay away from fast food nowadays... -- Single or group dates: I take what I can get... -- Adidas or Nike: I try not to be a consumer whore... try anyways... -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Whatever with too much sugar... -- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla -- Cappuccino or coffee: bad... stunts growth I think... I'd like to get a few inches taller... LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: No and I hate 2nd hand too... -- Cuss: Thanks to George Carlin I make sailors blush... -- Sing: too much... and in showers... -- Take a shower everyday: I try... I really do... -- Have a crush: Yes............... -- Do you think you've been in love: Thinking and love are like oil and water... I know I was or maybe... I know I am... -- Want to go to college: Sure if you'll fork over some cash... -- Like(d) high school: ok... the people in it... no... LAYER SIX: In the past month... -- Drank alcohol: Just a sip... -- Smoked: nope -- Done a drug: caffiene... right now baby!! -- Had Sex: *sigh* no... -- Made Out: *another sigh* noooo...... -- Gone on a date: *yet another sigh* no... and stop asking about that sorta stuff... -- Gone to the mall?: nopers... -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not this month... -- Eaten sushi: noope -- Been on stage: no... sounds fun though... -- Been dumped: no... -- Gone skating: nope -- Made homemade cookies: no -- Gone skinny dipping: yes we have a pool... -- Dyed your hair: Wished I did... -- Stolen anything: no LAYER SEVEN: Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no -- If so, was it mixed company: didn't -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no -- Been caught "doing something": doing something? like what? masturbating? no I've never been caught... -- Been called a tease: no... -- Gotten beaten up: change it to beaten someone up and you'd have your yes... they started it... -- Shoplifted: no, but I'm banned from a Dollar General store anyways... stereotypes... I hate them... -- Changed who you were to fit in: never consciously... perhaps once or twice subconsciously? LAYER EIGHT: -- Age you hope to be married: the right age? -- Numbers and Names of Children: If I were married? one or two... keeping down world population... -- Describe your Dream Wedding: Without my family there... -- How do you want to die: Is that a threat? um painlessly I guess... -- Where you want to go to college: dunno -- What do you want to be when you grow up: dunno... engineer, mechanic, welder, electrician (linesman), president, or something else I might like... and pays decent... -- What country would you most like to visit: England I guess... LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. -- Best eye color? green? -- Best hair color? I guess... red? -- Short or long hair: whatever looks better on them... -- height: NOT 7'+ tall... -- Best weight: as long as I don't see there ribs... and as long as they can actually get out of there house without removing walls... -- Best articles of clothing: none? =^.^= -- Best first date location: movie? -- Best first kiss location: something at least half romantic would be nice... LAYER TEN: -- # of drugs taken illegally: None -- # of people I could trust with my life: 2? -- # of CDs that I own: at least 20 -- # of piercings: 0 -- # of tattoos: None yet -- # of scars on my body: a few -- # of things in my past that I regret: most of the stupid things I do and say... a lot of things basically....
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