New Years Party!

Feeling: impish
i cant wait for my new years party! i get to have a party this year! i couldnt go to any last year though cause my parents made it a 'family tradition' to stay at our house for new years. so now i decided to have one at my house! the only bad thing is that i cant bring girls over (by order of my parents.) its gonna be great anyway! my dad is even bringing a bunch of snowmobiles home from the store (my dad owns Motor Sports of Willmar.) plus, we're gonna have an ENORMUS bonfire this year!:D its gonna be great!!
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sweet!! well hope you have a great party!!! lol sounds like a blast!! :D:D

see ya


Hey Levi!! Omg you lucky duck you!! That sounds like the party of the year!! haha I hope that is a blast!! Have a great New Year! and guess what!! See ya next year!!! lmao
your party sounds like way more fun then the one im goin to! HAHA JUST KIDDING BAILIE! haha so jealous you get to go snowmobiling and stuff! so not see ya
Thanks for forgettin about the Fat Kid over here Genius.. yeah i woulda love to come... instead i went to joanna's and said whore infront of her mom... it was funny ... to me anyway... yeah next time.. remember the FAT KID