the longest quiz

wow, can u tell i was bored? yeaahhh the longest quiz in the whole entire world. karina made me do it!! knock urself out. LAYER ONE: --Spell your name with band names. J- jet U- U2 L- linkin park I- incubus E- evanescense LAYER TWO: -- Nickname: shortness, bitesize, funsize, shorty, master pimp -- Eye Color: dark brown -- Hair Color: blonde-brown -- Righty or Lefty: Right -- Zodiac Sign: leo LAYER THREE: -- The shoes you wore today: pink n black vans -- Weakness: trust people to easily -- Your fears: dark and death -- Goal you'd like to achieve: just pass the 10th freakin grade LAYER FOUR: -- Religion: lutheran -- Your best physical feature: u tell me -- your bedtime: when im tired -- Most missed memory: watermelon fight, block parties, and gangster parties with nicole nd riny LAYER FIVE: -- Pepsi or Coke: coke -- McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcdonalds -- Adidas or Nike: umm i dunno mike i guess -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither -- Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate LAYER SIX: -- Smoke: no -- Cuss: no -- Sing: no -- Take a shower everyday: Yes -- Have a crush: yes -- Do you think you've been in love: yes -- Want to go to college: Yes -- Like(d) high school: yea -- Want to get married: Yes -- Believe in yourself: yes -- Get motion sickness: no -- Think you're attractive?: sometimes -- Think you're a health freak: No -- Get along with your parents: Yea most of the time -- Play an instrument: barely LAYER SEVEN: In the past month.. -- Made Out: yes -- Drank alcohol: no -- Smoked: no -- Done a drug: no -- Had Sex: No -- Eaten Sushi: No -- Been on stage: no -- Been dumped: no -- Made homemade cookies: yes -- Gone Skinny Dipping: No -- Dyed your hair: no -- Stolen anything: no LAYER EIGHT: Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: haha yea -- If so, was it mixed company: yea -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no -- Been caught "doing something": hahaa not exactly -- Been called a tease: no -- Been beaten up: No -- Changed who you were to fit in: never LAYER NINE: -- Age you hope to be married: idk -- Numbers and Names of Children: idk but i like the name damien (hahaa lj) LAYER TEN: In the opposite sex.. -- Best eye color?: green or blue -- Best hair color?: brown or black is best but blonde is cool too -- Short or long hair: doesnt matter -- Height: dosent matter not to tall -- Best articles of clothing: doesnt matter LAYER ELEVEN: -- Number of CDs that I own: alot -- Number of DVDs that I own: idk -- Number of piercings: 4 -- Number of people I could trust with my life: 9, wow, thats a lot. AREA CODE YOU ARE IN RIGHT NOW: 804 BIRTHDAY: august 7 1990 CURRENT CRUSH:..... like u dont no DRINK (FAVOURITE): peach iced tea EATING (CURRENTLY): nothing GO TO FOR ADVICE: katrina stacey ANNOYANCE (CURRENT) : seth not telling me things I THINK: too much.. KIDS? are cute TWO BEST TEST GRADES (SO FAR): 100 MOVIE (FAVOURITE): thats hard... QUIRKS: annoying people, fake people SONG (CURRENT FAVOURITE): nickelback photograph TV SHOW (FAVOURITE): americas next top model UNDERWEAR: blue nd pink stripes lol VEGAS (LAST TIME YOU WERE THERE): Never been there X-RAYS TAKEN: nope LOVE: yea YEAR OF YOUR LIFE (FAVOURITE): hmm...probably 2004-2005 9th grade. What is your Boyfriend/girlfriends name dustin What are you listening to right now? fall out boy What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 8554 What was the last thing you ate? reeses (haha wow) If you were a crayon what color would you be? (lmao dustin)..spank me pink.. no seriously..lime green How is the weather right now? cold :( Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? dustin Favorite type of Food? italian Ever get so drunk you don't remember what you did? no Do you wear contacts? yes Favorite Holiday? christmas Favorite Month? august Have you ever cried for no reason? no What is the last movie you saw? senseless Favorite Day of the Year? which ever is the longest day, i forgot the exact day Are you too shy to ask someone out? depends on who it is If you can say something to someone right now what would it be? dustin...**poke!!** Hugs or Kisses? Both Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate. they already asked this. Do you want your friends to respond? yes Who is most likely to respond? brittany Who is least likely to respond? seth What books are you reading? none Piercings? 2 in each ear Favorite football Team? jets What were you doing before this? talking to people Any pets? a dog AIM? makexaxwish Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? butter i guess, i dont care Dogs or cats? dogs Favorite Flower? idk daisys i guess Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? Yes Are you single or taken? taken Have you ever loved someone? Yes Who would u like to see right now? wow. ok here it goes lol dustin, nicole, corynn, nikki,pj, todd, sean, lisa, matt, karina, and kelly Are you still friends with your ex yes Have you ever fired a gun? no Do you like to travel by plane? never have If you could date someone right now, who would it be im with who i want it to be How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 Are you missing someone? Yes Do you have a Tattoo? Not yet NEW SURVEY 1. Smoked a cigarette - no 2. Smoked a cigar no 3. Crashed a friend's car No 4. Stolen a car no, but an ice cream truck lmfao 5. Been in love - Yes 6. Been dumped Yes 7. Taken shots of alcohol - No 8. Been fired - No 9. Been in a fist fight no 10. Snuck out of your house yes 11. Had feelings for someone who didn't have feelings back? - yes 12. Been arrested No 13. Made out with a stranger - yes 14. Gone on a blind date no 15. Lied to a friend yes, but for the good 16. Had a crush on a teacher - no 18. Seen someone die no 19. Been on a plane no 20. Thrown up in a bar - no 22. Miss someone right now - Yes 23. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - Yes 24. Made a snow angel - Yes 25. Played Dress Up - yes 26. Cheated While Playing a Game- lol yea 27. Been Lonely not really 28. Fallen Asleep at Work/School Yes 29. Used a Fake ID - no 30. Felt an Earthquake - yes 31. Touched a Snake yes 32. Ran a red light - ive never drived 33. Had detention Yes 34. Been in a car accident no 35. Hated the way you look - yeah 37. Been Lost - yea 38. Been to the opposite side of the country -no 39. Felt like Dying - yes 40. Cried yourself to sleep- win i was little 41. Played cops and robbers - yes 42. Karaoke yea 43. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't Yes 44. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - yes 45. Caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes 46. Kissed in the rain - No 47. Sang in the shower - no 48. Made love in a park - No 49. Had a dream that you married someone - no 50. Glued your hand to something - yes 51. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - No 52. Worn the opposite sex's clothes Yes 53. Been a cheerleader - no 54. Sat on a roof top - yes 55. Talked on the phone all night - Yes 56. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - yea 57. Played chicken fight- Yea 58. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes 59. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger - Yes 60. Broken a bone - no 61. Had a 3-some - No 62. Laugh so hard you cried - Yes all the time 64. Cheated on a test Yes 65. Forgotten someone's name Yes 66. Been kicked out of your house No 68. Played a prank on someone - Yep And another (1) Your gender: female (2) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight (3) Single?: no (4) Want to be?: no (5) Your birth day: 08-07-90 (6) Age you act: idk (7) Age you wish you were- age i am now (8) Your height: 5'1' (9) The color of your eyes: brown (10) Happy with it?: no (11) The color of your hair: blonde brownish (12) Happy with it?: yea (13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: Right (14) Your living arrangement?: mom (27) Your family: Mom older brother nd sister (29) What's your job: dont have 1 (30) Piercings?: 4 (31) Tattoos?: No (32) Obsessions?: music otherwise, nothing (35) Do you speak another language? i try (36) Have a favorite quote?: no (37) Do you have a webpage?: My myspace (38) Do you live in the moment?: not really (39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes, but i can explode every once in a while (40) Do you have any secrets?: not really (41) Do you hate yourself?: No (42) Do you like your handwriting?: not realy (43) Do you have any bad habits?: a few (44) What is the compliment you get most from people?: soft hair, soft hands, nd nice eyes (45) If a movie was made about me it would be called: julies life?? i dunno (46) what's your biggest fear: dark n death (47) Can you sing: No (48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no (49) Are you a loner?: no (51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: uhh sure? lol (52) Are you a daredevil?: i can be (53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: not really (54) Are you passive or aggressive?: passive (55) Have you got a question?: no (56) What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength: love Weakness: trust (57) If you could change one thing about yourself?: idk (58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: love (59) How do you vent?: talk to someone (60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: yea (61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Yes (62) Do you think life has been good so far?: yes (63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: i dunno lots (64) what do you like most about yourself: idk (65) And least?: i dunno (66) Do you think you are good looking?: sometimes (67) Are you confident?: yea (68) What is the fictional character you're most like?: hmm (69) Do people know how you feel?: very few people (70) Are you perceived wrongly?: heh? DO YOU... (71) Smoke?: No (72) Do drugs?: No (73) Read the newspaper?: no (74) Pray?: not really (75) Go to church? holidays (76) Talk to strangers who IM you?: um no it kinda freaks me out (77) Sleep with stuffed animals?: no (78) Take walks in the rain?: sometimes (79) Talk to people even though you hate them?: Yes until they piss me off (80) Drive?: no (81) Like to drive fast?: quads, motorbikes, boat, heck YES! lol HAVE YOU EVER... (82) Liked your voice?: no (83) Hurt yourself?: no (84) Been out of the country?: yes (85) Eaten something that made other people sick?: No (86) Burped?: Yea (87) Been unfaithful?: yea (88) Been in love?: Yes (89) Done drugs?: no (90) Gone skinny dipping?: no (92) Had a surgery?: no (93) Ran away from home?: no (94) Played strip poker: no (95) Gotten beaten up?: No (97) Been picked on?: yeah, my shortness nd tinyness but im used to it (98) Been on stage?: yeah (99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: no and that was too long (100) Slept outdoors?: Yes (101) Thought about suicide?: no (102) Pulled an all-nighter?: Yes (103) If yes, what is your record?: all night then all the next day. idk how i did it (105) Talked on the phone all night?: Yes. from 10pm-7am with the same person, ate chinese for breakfast nd went to sleep lol (106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes (107) Slept all day?: Yes (108) Killed someone?: No (109) Made out with a stranger?: yes (110) Had sex with a stranger: No (111) Thought you're going crazy?: no (112) Kissed the same sex?: yes (113) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no (114) Been betrayed?: Yes (115) Had a dream that came true?: no (116) Broken the law?: yes (117) Met a famous person?: Yes (118) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No (146) Stolen anything?: no (147) Been on radio/TV.?: no (148) Been in a mosh-pit?: yes (149) Had a nervous breakdown?: no (150) Considered religious vacation?: no (151) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: no (152) Bungee jumped?: no (153) Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes CLOTHES and other fashion (154) Shoe brand?: a ton (155) Brand of clothing?: i dont care (157) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: Jeans and and a shirt and a jacket (159) Wear hats?: yes, dustins, well, mine, whatever!!! (161) Wear make-up?: Yes (162) Favorite place to shop?: dots n journeys (163) Favorite article of clothing?: My jeans (164) Are you trendy?: idk (165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: no (166) Believe in life on other planets?: Yes (167) Miracles?: yes WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON... (211) That haunted you?: ahh creepy (212) You wanted to kill?: hmmm (213) That you laughed at?: stacey (214) That laughed at you?: stacey (216) You went shopping with?: stacey shannon nd brittany (217) That broke your heart?: it wasnt that persons fault (219) To ask you out?: like u dont no lmao (220) To make you cry?: uhhh (221) To brighten up your day?: dustin. nd stacey (222) That you thought about?: dustin (223) You saw a movie with?: elizabeth (224) You talked to on the phone?: dustin (225) You talked to through IM?: dustin nd seth (226) You saw?: my mom (227) You lost?: no one suprisingly (229) You thought was completely insane?: stacey lmao (230) You wanted to be?: myself (231) You told off?: josh (232) You trusted?: hole bunch of people (233) You turned down?: no one
Read 28 comments
alalallala.... u kno u loved my randomness
yeah i met this really hott guys whos my brothers friend..his name is bryan woo. hes chad vaughns brother..he had long hair last yr..this yr it looks like my so hott julie..i like this guy alot..hes really funny and realy i so hve to tell u something though not on here..its really funny..he makes me
it's JULIE!!!!!
you will get kissed on friday by the love of your life.... DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN!! your crush will ask you out. tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to atleast 10 people by atleast 12:00 tonite you will have bad luck in your love life for the rest of your life. Just copy, paste..and no send backs!!
sooo...hows it so bored...and im this guy i a junior..hehehe...his name is bryan woo...his brother was chad probly no who i am talking about..hehehe..hes so hang out with him my bro and there other friends in the morning..its stares at me alot..hehehe..
i'll do that later... lol
wow i can't believe you were accually reading that... lol
nope... i walked past him in the hall and hid behind someone so he didn't see me... i was supposed to give it back, but i didn't... hahaha... lol...

i need something to do... i'm gonna make some random list thingy... like my randomness post
yes she is... me too...

i still have his sweatshirt... :)
haha... HI MR. BABER!!! lol

i'm soooooooo bored
where are u?

i'm in mrs. hedge's class...

write back
hey... i took it too. it took forever
hey julie... *waves*

lalalala... i love my randomness
you will get kissed on friday by the love of your life.... DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN!! your crush will ask you out. tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to atleast 10 people by atleast 12:00 tonite you will have bad luck in your love life for the rest of your life. Just copy, paste..and no send backs!!
sooooooooo.......... whatcha u love the 70's and 80's i wish i born
it is

read my new entry
hey im so bored..i see like the so happy to finally have them well write me back when you get a chance im really bored..

nothing much

Kevin's sweatshirt is comfy... lol... lane and elise are going crazy
i see u Julie!!!

lalalala... lunch was too funny
lol... that's funny... i'm hungary... and i wanna go home...
his sweatshirt smells good... :)

lalala... me too

my back hurts like HELL!!!!!!!!
i was cold
lalalala... it was Lauren... Christina carried me
ha... if u say so... i stole ur survey thingy... and I stole Kevin's sweatshirt
you will get kissed on friday by the love of your life.... DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN!! your crush will ask you out. tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to atleast 10 people by atleast 12:00 tonite you will have bad luck in your love life for the rest of your life. Just copy, paste..and no send backs!!
im in the middle of doing that quiz so ill post it when i get done. kk
holy shit thats a long quiz