the mile

the mile is today.. dun dun dunn i really dont want to run it but i have to i highly doubt ill get presedential which is 8:29 or something like that.. in the beginning of this year i got 11:49 AH! ill just try as hard as i can.. shannon got 8:49 i was proud of her. Soo.. Yesterday i went home with dustin and helped him clean the boat and stuff and then i went home. He complained that he cant even have any friends because supposidly "i told him to tell liz to never talk to him again" which i didnt.. if he wanted to talk to her i wasnt against it.. and i wasnt against them even being friends, so i dont understand him. and he didnt even understand why it is that i was jealous of liz.. and im not even gonna try to explain it to him because then well just argue, so im just gonna forget about it and hopefully he will too. So anyways.. Spanish: were just kinda sitting around comment me =) i got a 9 er 10 something on the mile, i dont even remember, he didnt even tell me but once and then he wrote it down. all i heard was __:45 so it was either 9 or 10. so much for presedential, and theres no way i can run the whole thing if i try again monday.
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hey now thats not what i said missy pull on underware boat hater i said that i told her never to talk to me agian because it was causeing a rift not cause you told me too wow is that how you feel im getting sick of you not telling me this to my face
thank you
i love you
see you after school
ok its forgoten weggie giver lets not make a deal out of this i was just saying
i gave him my computer and he wrote you a comment and then gave it back. i didn't show him your entry or anything... he was using my computer at the beginning of class.

what did you get on the mile?
i think you should try again monday.

did you walk at all?

this sux. my dad is such an ass. he wont let me stay after school with LJ and stacey and now dustin has to come back to get me in 30 minutes... and then i;m only gonna be at home for an hour before i have to come back to school for air band. so that's retarded.

and i could be watching CSI or listening to my ipod right now but dustin stole my headphones.

if you run the whole thing you'll get presedential.

the rapist is in here. (the guy that raped hali jarvis in that play)

yuppers. finally got my celll back. after what? like 6 months. so did you get my myspace comment? i want my kitty back lol.