the friends quiz

Which friend is the... x craziest- elizabeth x sweetest- lisa x prettiest- colletti x smartest- katie x girly- nicole x easiest to be grossed out- nicole x blondest- corynn x honest- seth x trustworthy- stacey x sporty- pj x animal lover- liz x computer genius- joey c x funniest- ryan x drama person- chelsea x band person- richie x someone who always has their homework done- katie x flirtiest- stacey About your Past and Present Friends x which friend have you known the longest? todd x which friend have you known the least? seth x who was your first best friend? todd x is he/she still your best friend? yep x which friend do you miss the most? everyone from NY x has one of your friends moved far away before? yes x who has the most classes with you? patrick Name 3 friends who... x you love more than anything- dustin stacey nicole x always make you laugh- seth dustin joey x you no love you- dustin stacey nicole x you like/liked as more than just a friend- dustin todd jack x you love to be weird with- stacey nicole corynn x you have the most inside jokes with- nicole stacey pj Which of your friends is most likely to... x laugh at you if you trip- stacey x be there when you need them- stacey x become a roommate- lisa x be a teacher- stacey x be a computer person- joey c x live on the wild side- elizabeth or corynn x travel all around the world- katie x become famous- lj x fall in love before 20- chelsea x become a sports star- chase x not go to college- pj x get married twice- Lj x have no kids- stacey x become a telemarketer- nobody..i hope x be your best friend throughout your whole life- all of them
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Greetings Julie!
How is life?
Good day.
JULIE!!!! hi... i'm soooooo bored
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! thanx... it was sooooooooo fun making it all crazy looking... lol... me too... i hate this class