dustin's GRADUATION!

Today was deffinatly interesting, i just wish it would of gone better. I didnt have to go to school, so dustin came over around 12 or so and we ended up laying in my bed fell asleep until 3:30 then we had to jump up and he got dressed and we went to pick up stacey and heather at school and then went to his house and sat around and talked and he left for practice so me stacey and heather sat in her room watching gilmore girls and me and stacey tried to make heather wear a skirt but i didnt work.. So then Danny (dustins uncle) and Dustins mom showed up and she was all over their dad it was strange so we went to the graduation place and somewhere in between that dustins mom jumped out of the car because of something Danny (her husband, not dustins uncle) did. So she was walking around while we went inside and took a seat and then she finally came in and we watched the graduation and everything. We screamed as loud as we could when dustin went up for his diploma. i dont think the guy after him had his name heard.. but his mom randomlu got up and left. so dustin went outside and we all took pictures with him and told him everything and he looked so sad almost like he was about to cry and then hes just like whatever, i dont even care, lets go. So were walking to the parking deck and Danny (the uncle) goes, is that your mom? and shes standing next to an ABC store. so we all go get in the truck and dustin gets out in the middle of traffic to go get her. Then we drove up and down broad looking for Danny (the husband) and finally found him. So she got out and started walking the other way and we had to direct her to his car. So then we decided to go to waffle house and forget everything and right when we show up they call and said that they wrecked their car in a ditch or something and hes gonna leave their mom at a kmart so dustin just said fine, and hung up and we went inside and ate. Then we brought stacey and heather home and danny took his car and went home and then we went to get dustins jeep and he took me home and talked to my mom for a couple minutes. I feel so bad, she completely ruined his whole garduation night i just wish that it could have been perfect for him he was so excited and then she just screwed it up in so little time.. AH! well, im just happy he graduated..im proud =) Im not going into school until 10 or something tomorrow, and we get chinese food in math =) so im gg to sleep..
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