no more gym!

WOOHOO! no more gym today YAY!!!! dustin went and worked with dwaine today and i told him goodbye when he came to my house. then in spanish i all of a sudden didnt feel good AT all i felt soo sick, same in art and gym. But i started to feel better have watching nicole getting attacked by 1000 tennis balls at a time going 50mph.. it was a really fun last day of gym though, we were all really active lol Then in directed study nicole put my jacket on and walked around telling people she ate me.. lol then in math we took a test and got mr baber to say YES to chinese food YAYYY!!!! after school dustin begged me and elizabeth to go to his house so we did and we sat there and watched tv and ate pizza and then left. So we came to my house and took a bunch of random pictures and walked around outside and drew eachother pictures she just left a couple minutes ago.. im gonna go im trying to decide if im gonna go to school tomorrow or not..
Read 1 comments
I like your penguin pic in the corner it is really cute.
