hate is easy, love takes courage.

today was actually pretty decent. i managed to get through second period without dying of boredom. Spanish, me and ahmed just talked the whole time and made ms wickline mad. lunch was the usual lunch and 5th period was the usual 5th period, EXCEPT: MATTS BACK FROM SUSPENSION!!!!!!!!!! which means.. I HAVE SOMEONE TO KEEP ME ENTERTAINED AGAIN OTHER THAN JOEY CONSTANTLY STEALING MY THINGS!!!! english i watched everyone present the projects that i didnt do, got in a paper ball fight with brandon, and then continued to make fun of ms irvin not being a women. Went out to heathers jeep to find brandon and clay locked in it.. *gives shocked face* so it took about 15 minutes to wait for them to realize they were bored, and to leave.. Went home and did some homework, and then Dustin came over. He took a shower and we ate dinner and watched tv for the night, just talking and stuff. Its nice that were actually getting along again. Every once in a while we just go off on eachother, and then once thats over were fine for another month or two. but for that while that were constantly fighting.. it sucks. but anyway, thats over =D ♥ Anyway, heres some random quotes i found. sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding with our minds exactly what we want our hearts to feel, & just live in the moment. the past is annoying it always shows up in everybody's words in every song you hear in every block you walk and you never get rid of it no matter how hard you try
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cute quotes
our teacher just made us cinamon bread. lol