prior to party

Listening to: The White Stripes-
Feeling: witty
ok. so my party is in a few days. its really seeing people getting psyched up for it that is motivating me to get this thing under-way. honestly, i really am happy that people make such a big deal about my parties. i know i only do two a year (this upcoming and halloween) but people really seem to look foreward to them. i mean some kids have been asking me about this since may. i am really flattered that people care enough and enjoy this enough to make them both annual affairs, which is really cool. i dont really care whether i have one at all or not, but even my rents have been asking me what im doing and what is going on (its on their bill). my dad has even resorted to trying to talk me into having a friend of mine get his band to come and play, but, he just so happens to be on his honeymoon (congrats jesse and natalie!!). also, i cant forget, thank you so much matt and dud. you guys helped me out this year a ton! thank you! so i guess im dont venting for tonight. this morning. whatever. night! -laur
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