friendship sucks

Feeling: helpless
have you ever been just the friend of..? i hate it. my best friend is like social butterfly of the year and all her friends at school have like this joint thing against me. and also, almost every guy who lays eyes on her has a thing for her. i mean i love her to death and that is great for her, but sometimes enough is just enough. everytime i talk to mutual guy friend all they talk about is her, and how they can be forgiven. they always take this too seriosly. she has a thing for stringing people along and then blowing up at them then shunning them for extremely petty mistakes. i find it rather ridiculous that she comes to me to find out what these guys are saying to me about her, but then when i say that they haven't said anything worth her while, she yells at me for conversing with them and letting them confide in me. sometimes it really is a pain, but i guess that is the baggage that comes along with this friendship. why is it that every friend i have has to come along or form some kind of baggage. i mean matt, well he is the perfect image of a drama queen, especially since his bitch came back into the picture and tried to rip my life to shreads. and marion is so emotionally and mentally deep that sometimes i wonder if she can ever get back up with the rest of us. and poor maso. hes been strung along with mare for a year and a half now, and was just forgiven within the past few weeks (he is only one of two). the only people who are totally careless like i wish i could be, i can't get close to. oh well. i guess i should at least be satisfied that i can say this. and please dont think im some shallow chick who wants the perfect life. im just blowing off a lot of built up steam that has been accumulating for a few years. im not totally if i should make this entry public, because i do love my friends and dont want to be sitting here talking smack on them all. but for the record, i love them all and i would do anything for them and i am always here for them to listen. im gonna go read. laur
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i know how you feel. friends are difficult. just dont let them hurt you too bad. and stand up for yourself when you have to. never be a push over.
wow this is sad i'm like ur friend i hate to say it i am...but i'm tryin to be less liek her...i mean i am from what i have heard, i dont kno u or her
friendships do suck sometimes.