the randomness of randomness

Listening to: flogging molly
Feeling: ready
well im glad to say that im in a rather good slash random mood right now. yes, i am also trying to avoid writing a scholarship essay. ANYWAY...i spent some quality time with my car today. it was rather nice pissing off some guy on a crotch rocket who was simply dying to pass me...*cruel irritating laughter* it was rather humerous hearing the lubinator make a fuss over the fact that cara got my lazy ass out of bed for class this morning. needless to say, i utilized that comment and slacked off for an hour and a half. it is beautiful, especially when im supposed to set an example for almost everyone in the room. also, am i higher than mr carpenter? i have no idea. probably not. oh well. mom and dad are going to vegas in april. im kind of pissed about that. they're going to see O without me. not freaking cool. also, i have no where to stay. mare and i are in a tissy, so im not staying with them. i dont feel like having my grandmother here for a week (yes, i dont want to be waited on hand and foot while my parents are off somewhere). i had to live with her for nine months...i love her but she drives me insane. in short, she is a nicer, more cynical version of my mother who vacuums about two times a day and is hardly ever seen without a bottle of windex in her hand. hence the driving me insane. going back to arcadia tomorrow. im kind of psyched. this school is so nice, and close to the mean home...yeah, that sounds right. hopefully ill be able to spend the measly $30 i have left over from my birthday, or in other words, only cash i have, on a game i have been just dying for. there you go...girly meets geek. live with it. this has got to be a first, nothing about nothing. no drama mentioned (BURN IN HELL *maniacal laughter*!!!!!) just an update on my sad little life. i just realized...i have to get up early tomorrow...DAMMIT! the purpose of my weekend is so shot, now. its sad when every kid i know lives for the weekend because they know that they can sleep. that cant be right...unless you're one of those freaks who get up early sheesh! ill stop boring you with my sad little life now. laur
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dude.. lauren, you are more than welcomed to chill here when your parents leave for vagas (BABY!)... and I'm not saying that in a bitchy way.. but I'm here for ya and you are more than welcomed...

ta ta